ISSUE: 1Content
- Editorial: Atari Newsletter And Lots Of Games plus A Brief History of ATARI
- Parlez-vous PASCAL?
- LISTEN/Music Composer
- Basic Sounds
- Five Star Treks, Count 'Em, Five! - Lee Pappas reviews five incarnations of the classic "Blast The Klingons" home software.
- How to (Almost) Become a Star Commander - Lee Pappas explains what you need to know to conquer Star Raiders.
Video Computer Systems Update - The Atari 2600 is still king of the ring, with new software coming in '81!
- Asteroids
- Warlord
- Othello
- Video Pinball
- Graphically Speaking - Russ Walter explains the basics of putting pictures on the screen with a breakdown of all those different graphics modes and what they're used for.
- ATARI Stock & Bond Analysis
- Bugs & Bytes
In the Spotlight
- Atari Color Rainbow type-in program
- "Pretty" graphics demo type-in program
- "Swirl" animated graphics demo type-in program
Reviews & Profiles:
- ATARI News
New Products
- "Triangle" graphics demo type-in program
- Tank Trap Review
- Kurta Graphics Tablet Review
- Mountain Shoot Review
- IRIDIS #2 Tutorial Review
- 810 & DOS II Review
- ATARI Mailing List Review
Program Listings:
- BLOCKED (game)
- Maze Rider (game)
- SUB (game)
Ads (in order of appearance):
- COMPUTE! magazine subscription
- ATARI Music Movie Themes for use with ATARI Music Composer
- MACTRONICS Screen Print Interface cable
- T.H.E.S.I.S., Inc. software
- ANALOG Software Presents: Adventure!
- VisiCalc software
- Versa Computing, Inc. software
- Mosaic Electronics free catalog offer
- Kurata Graphic Tablet for Atari 800
- Zapata Microsystems Atari Sourcebook
- Kinetic Designs, Inc. Atari software
- IRIDIS 2 software package
- Electronic Specialists, Inc. power supplies and hardware
- Dysan Corporation diskettes
- Trivia Unlimited / Haunted House games
- Creative Computing Software
- Pacific Exchanges diskettes
- Macrotronics parallel printer interface cables
- Sebree's Computing software
- Marway Products, Inc. surge protector
- Adventure International software
- Quality Software programs
- Intelectual Smartees t-shirts
- Compac computer hardware
- Atari personal computer systems
Notable Stuff:
- Premiere issue of A.N.A.L.O.G. 400/800 magazine! ANALOG, in this case, is an acronym standing for "Atari Newsletter And Lots Of Games".
- Domestic subscription rates were $10 for 6 issues, $18 for 12 issues, or $26 for 18 issues.
- The "Graphically Speaking" column features two plotting charts you can photocopy and use to plot out your own graphics before entering them into a program. A very helpful feature for any programmer interested in going beyond text-only software.
- There's a very simple way to determine exactly when your Atari 400 or 800 computer was manufactured, as disclosed in the Bugs & Bytes column this issue. How fun!
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