ISSUE: 3Content
- Bassnotes in BASIC
- 32K Boards: A Profile
- Assembler/Editor: A Non-Tutorial, Part II
- Quality Software Assembler
- Program In Style
- LJK Word Processor
- Swifty Software File-It
- ATARI Touch Typing
- ATARI Missile Command
- Target Blockade & Battle Warp
Program Listings:
- Systems Status by Robert Hartman
- Towers of Hanoi by Ricky Knopman
- Target Shoot by Steve Smith
- Sketch Pad by Henrique Veludo
- Upload Terminal! by Robert Hartman
- Editorial (Lee Pappas sounds off on the lateness of this issue, software piracy, and a need for experienced users to submit articles and programs)
- Reader Comment (How'd readers like the first issue? Find out here!)
- ATARI News (New hardware's coming to make your ATARI more powerful!)
- Rumors (Whispers from the industry)
- New Products (Check out Temple of Apshai; Crush, Crumble and Chomp; and a whole slew of other hardware and software goodies)
- VCS Update (Great new carts for your 2600, including Othello, Ice Hockey, Freeway, Kaboom!, Stampede, Steeplechase and Stellar Track)
- Bugs & Bytes (Corrections to mistakes from previous issues)
Notable Stuff:
- The date for this issue is May/June 1981, but it's hard to say when it actually came out, as Lee Papas's editorial states it's late June when he's writing it. Because of this, they're not going to date future issues so as to prevent confusion with late releases (and to confound Retromags some three decades in the future, I'm sure).
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