ISSUE: 4Content
- Editorial (Mike Des Chenes explains ANALOG's payment structure for articles, and offers a few words of his own on software piracy)
- Reader Comment (Letters from readers, both gruntled and disgruntled)
- Atari News (Atari Light Pens, the good and the bad. Also, ANALOG's first annual programming contest!)
- New Products (New books, games, and productivity software for your 400/800)
- Game Room (Tom Repstad explains the basics behind adventure gaming)
- Rumors (Stuff that may or may not come to pass--write your Congressmen)
- VCS Update (For Atari 2600 users. What do you do with your carts when you're not playing them?)
- Bugs & Bytes (The editors explain some new changes in DOS II)
- In The Spotlight (Program Design, Inc., makers of quality software for both children and adults)
- Basic Disk Utilities (Some short, easy-to-use type-ins for Basic programmers)
- Assembler/Editor Non-Tutorial, Part III
- Spellbound
- AstroQuotes
- Text Wizard
- ATARI Spanish
- CCA Data Management
- Versawriter
Program Listings:
- Darts by Ricky Knopman (Throw a few without heading down to the pub)
- Morse 800 by Robert E. Alleger
- Program Condenser by Modesto Alvarez
- Comp III by David Bohike
- Lister by Bob Hartman
Outer Space Action (a round-up and review of space-themed games):
- Sands of Mars (Atari 800 only)
- Starbase Hyperion
- Starship Duel
- Lunar Lander
- Conflict 2500
- Rescue at Rigel
- Galactic Conquest
- Asteroids
- Space Chase
Notable Stuff:
- Paging Mr. Editor: The "Reader Comment" column is identified as "Reeder Comment" in your own table of contents. *facepalm*
- The cover price jumps to $2.25 from $2.00 with this issue.
- "Rumors", "Bugs & Bytes" and "In The Spotlight" are all so secretive they don't even appear in the table of contents.
- The programmer of "Sands of Mars" made the game so difficult/obtuse, he's offered a $100 reward to the first person who beats it. ANALOG's reviewer doesn't think you should risk your $39.95 on the off-chance that you could be the one.
- Wonder how many other people took a look at Starship Duel's $119.95 price tag in the review headers and skipped over it, thus missing the fact it should only cost $19.95 as mentioned at the end of the review. Were the proofreaders for this issue all completely soused?
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