ISSUE: 38Content
Initialize – The Product of Piracy by Steve Honeywell (editorial)
Postage Due (letters column)
- Failed Potential...
- Eight Is Enough...
- The Mac Strikes Back...
- He Didn't Mean it that Way...
- Single Speed...
- Sicily vs. Corsica...
- Big Brother is Watching...
- Designing a Future...
- Another Letter With Numbers...
- Cartoons...
Software Reviews (each 1 to 2 page review includes game overview, screenshots, and 3-member panel capsule reviews, each with commentary and score)
- TIE Fighter by LucasArts
- Riverboat Cribbage by SoftPrime
- Riverboat Blackjack by SoftPrime
- Raptor by Apogee
- Superhero League of Hoboken by Legend
- Prehistorik 2 by Titus Software
- Hexx: Heresy of the Wizard by Psygnosis
- Theatre of Death by Psygnosis
- Robinson's Requiem by Silmarils
- Dark Legions by SSI
- Planet Soccer by l*Motion
- Sensible Soccer by Sensible Software
- Sabre Team by MicroLeague Interactive
The Ghost in the Machine – DMA Channels
- Hardware Reviews (each 1/2 to 1 page review includes hardware overview, photograph, and capsule review, each with commentary and score)
- Sound Canvas DB SCD-15 by Roland
- Step On It! by Bilbo Innovations
- Magic Touch by Keytec
- SoundScape 32000 by Ensoniq
- Ergonomic Keyboard by Kinesis
- PC Propad by STD Entertainment
Add-ons & Alterations (each 1/2 to 1 page article includes overview, screenshots, but no review)
- Star Wars Screen Entertainment by LucasArts
- MegaDittos... by Aristo-Soft
- East Meets West by Realistic Automation
Computer Confidential – What's the Deal With That 3DO Machine?
Dateline: Fandom – The Reasons for a Fan's Mythical GAFIA...
In the Works – Computer Game Review Goes On-Line!
Q&A with the Game Doctor – The Doc Gives a Check-Up On a New System...
CGR's Guide to Action/Adventure
- The Return to Zork by Activision
- Simon the Sorcerer by Activislon
- Blake Stone by Apogee
- There Terminator: Rampage by Bethesda Softworks
- Corridor 7 by Capstone
- Discoveries of the Deep by Capstone
- The Horde by Crystal Dynamics
- Alone in the Dark 2 by I*Motion
- Doom by id
- Crime City by Impressions/Micro Mysteries
- Star Trek: Judgement Rites by Interplay
- Companions of Xanth by Legend Entertainment
- Gateway 2 by Legend Entertainment
- Superhero League of Hoboken by Legend Entertainment
- Sam & Max Hit the Road by LucasArts
- Isle of the Dead by Merit
- Kronolog by Merit/Castleworks
- Dragonsphere by MicroProse
- The Legacy by MicroProse
- Pirates! Gold by MicroProse
- The Return of the Phantom by MicroProse
- Inherit the Earth by New World Computing
- Innocent Until Caught by Psygnosis
- Bram Stoker's Dracula by Psygnosis
- Severed Heads by R.A.W. Entertainment
- Arctic Boron by ReadySoft/Silmarlls
- Robinson's Requiem by ReadySoft/Silmarils
- Dracula in London by SDJ Enterprises
- Gabriel Knight by Sierra On-Line
- Leisure Suit Larry 6 by Sierra On-Line
- Lost in Time by Sierra On-Line/Coktel Vision
- Police Quest IV by Sierra On-Line
- Quest for Glory IV by Sierra On-Line
- Al-Qodim by Strategic Simulations
- Kyrandia 2: The Hand of Fate by Virgin Games
CGR Previews (½ to 2 pages each, with overview, screenshots and tech specs)
- Lords of Midnight by Domark
- Lode Runner: The Legend Returns by Dynamix
- NASCAR Racing by Papyrus
- High Seas Trader by Impressions
- Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager by SSI
- Realms of Arkania: Star Trail by Sir-Tech Software
Inside the Minds at a PC Wonderland (Sierra On-Line Interview)
Strategies (Three pages of strategy per game)
- Theme Park by Bullfrog
- Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks! by SSI
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