ISSUE: 135Content
Cover Story:
- The New Masters of Magic (We take a hands-on look at the next generation of magical fantasy strategy games, including Age of Wonders 2, Heroes of Might and Magic IV, Age of Mythology, Warcraft III, Warlords Battlecry 2, and Warlords IV.)
- Take Me There and Make Me a Part of It, Part 3 (Foot-in-the-door skills for the games industry and beyond, written by Kenn Hoekstra of Raven Software.)
- Up Front (Steve Bauman gives his opinion on reviewing reviews of reviews. Confused yet?)
- Newswire (Byung Kang wins the $50,000 prize in Mircosoft's Age of Empires II tournament.)
- Top Sellers (Dark Age of Camelot is currently outselling everything else, including The Sims and Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge).
- Shareware Spotlight (Martin Schweiger's Orbiter is raising some eyebrows around the office.)
- Dead Trees (Doom: The Next Chapter is a Doom-themed pen-and-paper RPG you can download for free.)
- Rebound (Letters, rants, and the occasional snarky replies.)
- Road to Nowhere (Cindy Yans explains the difference talent makes to independent developers when there's limited capital available.)
- Inside the Sausage Factory (Phil Steinmeyer contemplates the passing of the Tropico torch.)
- Thee Finger Salute (Tom Chick explains console envy -- as in why he's glad he doesn't have one.)
- Afterlife (Brett Todd explains that great games never have to die, thanks to the communities surrounding them.)
- NASCAR Racing: 2002 Season
- Command & Conquer: Renegade
- Mafia: City of Lost Heaven
- Star Wars: Starfighter
- Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
- Magic: The Gathering Online
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein (4/5)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (3.5/5)
- Battle Realms (3.5/5)
- Wizardry 8 (4.5/5)
- IL-2 Sturmovik (5/5)
- Motor City Online (2/5)
- Comanche 4 (3/5)
- Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (3/5)
- Europa Universalis II (4/5)
- Silent Hunter II (3/5)
- FIFA 2002 (3/5)
- MechWarrior 4: Black Knight (3.5/5)
- Deadly Dozen (2/5)
- World War III: Black Gold (4/5)
- Rogue Spear: Black Thorn (2.5/5)
- 4x4 EVO 2 (2/5)
- Xtreme Air Racing (5/5) - Editor's Choice
- Supercar Street Challenge (3/5)
- Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (3.5/5)
- Magic & Mayhem: Art of Magic (3/5)
- Remote Assault (3/5)
- The Sting (3/5)
- F/A-18 Precision Strike Fighter (2.5/5)
- Jekyll & Hyde (1.5/5)
- Dirt Track Racing Pinball (2/5)
- Runesword (2.5/5)
- TECHnichalities (Jason Cross brings up the need for some variety in gaming's now-ubiquitous scripted sequences, then answers son reader questions about getting the most out of their systems.)
- DOS Games, Meet Windows XP (Having trouble getting those old classics up and running on the new Windows OS? Todd Brakke's got your back!)
On The Demo CD:
- NASCAR Racing: 2002 Season
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
- Wizardry 8
- Rogue Spear: Black Thorn
- Sim Golf
- AquaNox
- Etherlords
- NHL 2002
- Zoo Tycoon
Ads (in order of appearance):
- Sim Golf
- EverQuest: The Shadows of Luclin
- Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers TV movie
- Disciples III: Dark Prophecy
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
- Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
- Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
- Lineage: The Blood Pledge
- Warrior Kings
- Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge
- Dark Age of Camelot
- Thompson's A+ Certification program
- Tropico: Paradise Island
- Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Gold Edition
- Chips & Bits online game superstore
- EarthLink DSL service
- Creative Inspire 5.1 5300 surround sound system
Interesting Stuff:
- "The Internet's ability to filter specific information may even go so far as to Balkanize speech and weaken democracy by eliminating all common ground, according to Cass Sunstein, a University of Chicago law professor who has written a book on this topic called" -- Steve Bauman writing in 2002. Not much has changed.
- Doom: The Next Chapter is still floating around out there as a free-to-download PDF, in case you're looking for a way to spice up your next game night. Might go well paired with Doom: The Boardgame?
- Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge is touted as coming "from the mind of Todd McFarlane". Was there anything this guy didn't get his mitts on from the late 90's to the mid-2000's?
- For all the "PC Master Race", anti-console bluster you see in the pages of Computer Games, it's nice to see editor Jason Cross cop to playing through Halo on his Xbox, often staying up until the wee hours of the morning because he's so immersed in the experience.
- If there were ever two concepts that should never be thrust together, they would be 'Dirt Track Racing' and 'Pinball'.
- Twenty-six reviews and only 17 ads in one magazine is pretty darn impressive, considering the thing's only 100 pages.
- The Chips & Bits ad is really a six-page catalog. Bet that was an expensive ad buy.
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