ISSUE: 22Content
- Sports Games Survey (Rick Teverbaugh sets 'em up and knocks 'em down as he takes stock of the best and worst the sporting games industry has to offer)
- The Battle of Chickamauga (Mark Bausman digs deep into the sports analogy bag for this review of this war sim based on the Confederate army's last major offensive of the US Civil War)
- Imperium Galacticum (Stewart MacKames's review of SSI's game of intergalactic strategy, diplomacy, and treachery)
- Games You'll Never See (Chris Crawford's attempt at humour as he discusses some of his earliest game designs. Your mileage may vary...)
- Crusade in Europe: Designer Notes (Edward Bever walks us through his design choices for his northwest European front WW2 sim)
- Lucasfilm Enters Home Gaming (Gregg Williams lauds the entry of Lucasfilm Games into the home computer market with Ballblazer and Rescue of Fractalus)
- Play Ball! (Bill Oxner covers the one sports game area Rick Teverbaugh left out of his survey: baseball!)
- Taking a Peek:
- Maxwell Manor (Atari/C64)
- Dave Winfield's Batter Up (Apple/C64/IBM PC/PCjr)
- Think Fast (Apple/Mac)
- Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (Multi)
- Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension (Apple)
- Mail Order Monsters (C64)
- Racing Destruction Set (C64)
- Barbie (C64)
- G.I. Joe (C64)
- Holmes (Unknown/Unlisted)
- Conceptor (IBM PC/PCjr/Apple)
- Sword of Kadash (Apple/C64)
- King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (IBM PC/PCjr)
- Operation Market Garden (Apple/Atari/C64)
- Kennedy Approach (Atari/C64)
[*]Scorpion's Tale (Move over, Infocom! Broderbund's in the house! Scorpia talks Mindwheel)
[*]The Silicon Cerebrum (Bruce Webster expounds on the social element of gaming, and how computers can best mimic this aspect in AI development)
[*]Atari Playfield (David Stone wonders, "Where have all the games gone?")
- Reforger '88
- Final Four College Basketball
- Basketball: The Pro Game
- Video Stock Market
- Berserker Raids
- Timeship
- Zenji
- Squire
- Napoleon At Waterloo
[*]Reader Input Device
[*]Game Ratings
- Maxwell Manor (Atari/C64)
Notable Stuff:
- The line "The Journal of Computer Gaming" appears on the cover for the first time with this issue.
- The reference to Psalm 9:1-2 appears on the masthead.
- Nobody won the 4th annual RobotWar contest. No, really, the winning entry was a robot named NOBODY, submitted by Newman Lowe of Salinas, California. Very funny, Newman...
- More letters (or excerpts of letters, it's hard to tell) printed in this issue than any previous issue.
- The Silicon Cerebrum appears in this issue, even though it's not in the table of contents.
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