ISSUE: 24Content
- Future Games: Where is Gaming Going? (William H. Harrington considers where computer games are headed based on where they've already been)
- The Bard's Tale (Scorpia's busy this issue, reviewing this new RPG on top of her regular column)
- CGW Game of the Year (The votes are in: Kampfgruppe takes home Wargame of the Year and overall GotY, Ultima III claims Adventure GotY, Seven Cities of Gold uncovers the Strategy GotY, and F-15 Strike Eagle earns Action GotY)
- Microprose's Command Series (M. Evan Brooks reviews both Crusade in Europe and Decision in the Desert)
- The Electronic Gridiron (In the wake of the slew of new American football titles appearing on shelves, a bevy of CGW editors put their helmets together to decide who makes the roster and who gets benched)
- Ultima III (It'll set you back $59.95, but Patricia Fitzgibbons thinks the Mac version of Lord British's RPG is well worth the cost of entry)
- Golan Front (William Harrington offers this report on this computer/board game hybrid simulating the 1973 Arab/Israli war)
- Taking a Peek:
- Dream House (C64/Apple)
- The Sea Voyagers (C64/Apple/IBM)
- Quink (C64/Apple/IBM)
- Under Fire (Apple)
- Countdown to Shutdown (C64/Apple)
- International Hockey (C64/C128)
- QuestProbe (Featuring The Hulk) (C64)
- Karate Champ (C64/C128/Apple II)
- Winter Games (C64/C128)
- Temple of Apshai Trilogy (C64/C128/Atari/Apple/IBM)
- Super Huey (C64)
- Spy vs. Spy: The Island Caper (C64/C128)
- Star Rank Boxing (C64)
- Icon (IBM)
- Stunt Flyer (C64/C128)
- The Newsroom (C64/Apple/IBM)
- Wizard of Wall Street (IBM)
- Lode Runner's Rescue (Atari/C64)
- Panzer Grenadier (Atari)
[*]Scorpion's Tale (It's back to Infocom land as Scorpia guides readers through Wishbringer)
[*]Tele-Gaming (Patricia Fitzgibbons answers the question she should have answered two years ago: How do I tele-game?)
[*]Commodore Key (It's the British (software) Invasion! Also, Beach-Head 2 is so violent. And racing games, some of which suck. Roy Wagner tells all.)
[*]Atari Playfield (David Stone provides a sort of counter-argument to Jon Freeman's Amiga love-fest from last issue with regards to the Atari ST)
[*]The Learning Game (Bob Proctor's column focuses on programs that teach you how to program)
- Colonial Conquest (Atari/C64)
- Star Fleet One (IBM)
- Star Crystal (Apple II)
- Speculator (IBM PC)
- Incunabula (IBM PC)
[*]Reader Input Device
[*]Game Ratings
- Dream House (C64/Apple)
Notable Stuff:
- The corner banner on the cover for this issue reads, "Game of the Year Awards".
- The largest issue of CGW yet, with 62 pages of content packed between the covers. And the price is still only $2.95!
- Tim Finkas leaves the CGW staff as Vince Denardo takes over as Art Director, leaving this as the first issue of CGW with a cover by someone other than Tim (in this case, Roger MacGowan).
- The reference to Psalm 9:1-2 appears on the masthead.
- Again with the major typos, CGW? "Temple of Aphshai Trilogy"? Is it too much to ask that you spell the names of the products you are reviewing correctly?
- Starting January of 1986, CGW will be published nine times a year! Or so declares the box on page 9.
- Much like Bill Gates and his remarks on RAM, Richard Garriott found himself prognosticating incorrectly when he predicted that "16 bits should be enough" in regards to graphics.
- Despite winning CGW's Game of the Year award, Kampfgruppe has only sold a mere 8,000 units by this point. Contrast this with 100,000+ units moved by Seven Cities of Gold and F-15 Strike Eagle and it makes its victory all the more incredible.
- David Stone's final Atari column appears in this issue, though he continues to be a contributor in the future. Gregg Williams takes over the Atari-themed column starting in the following issue.
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