ISSUE: 25Content
- Under Fire! (William Harrington reviews this WW II tactical combat sim from Avalon Hill)
- Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (Scorpia reviews the fourth chapter in Lord British's RPG blockbusting saga)
- Scorpion's Tale: The Year in Review (Breaking her normal format, Scorpia uses her column to discuss a number of great games she never got the chance to discuss in this past year)
- Silent Service (Rick Teverbaugh reviews Sid Meier's submarine simulator)
- Kampfgruppe: A Narrative Replay (M. Evan Brooks offers up a play-by-play of the 'Attack Towards Kiev' scenario for this WW II German tank combat sim)
- At The Gates of Moscow 1941 (Still more war games as Lew Fisher reviews this Russian WW II operations-level tactical sim)
- Heart of Africa (Stewart McKames offers hints, tips, and a review for this continent-hopping adventure)
- Taking a Peek:
- Hardball (C64/Apple)
- Law of the West (C64/Apple)
- Gryphon (C64/C128)
- Black Thunder (C64/C128)
- Fantavision (Apple)
- Print Shop Companion (Apple)
- Essex (Many)
- Brimstone (Many)
- Movie Maker (C64/C128/Apple)
- The Eidolon (C64/C128/Apple)
- Koronis Rift (C64/C128/Apple)
- The World's Greatest Football Game (Apple)
- Jet Combat Simulator (C64)
- Elite (C64/C128/Apple)
- The Holy Grail (Apple/IBM)
- Inca (Apple/IBM)
- Computer Novel Construction Set (Mac/Apple/IBM)
- Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative (C64/Apple/IBM)
- Shuttle Designer (Apple/IBM)
- Skarn's Keep (C64)
[*]Editorial (Russell Sipe explains the new nine-issues-per-year format, subscription structure, issue numbering scheme, change of address, and printing information)
[*]Commodore Key (Roy Wagner writes about the new Amiga, and C64 versions of Hacker and Golden Oldies (Volume 1) in this miniaturized column)
[*]Atari Playfield (Gregg Williams takes his inaugural column out for a spin by discussing a whole slew of titles, including some new titles for the Atari ST)
[*]Reader Input Device
[*]Game Ratings
- Hardball (C64/Apple)
Notable Stuff:
- The cover banner reads "100 Games Rated".
- The reference to Psalms 9:1-2 appears on the masthead.
- Starting with this issue, CGW drops the Volume #/Issue # numbering format and goes straight to simple numbers (so this is issue #25). It's a format they keep until the final issue.
- New address! The CGW offices have moved just down the street from Disneyland to 515 S. Harbor Blvd, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92805.
- CGW is now being printed in Erlanger, Kentucky and shipped from Cincinnati, Ohio. This means east-coast readers should receive their issues a little earlier than normal, while west-coast readers will find them in the mailbox only slightly later than usual.
- Oops! In M. Evan Brooks's biography, we mentioned he attended the Army War College when in fact he attended and completed Command & General Staff College.
- The review for Skarn's Keep in 'Take a Peek' reads: "Standard text adventure. Meet a wizard. Go on a quest. Find a ring. Make a fortune. Yawn."
- Does that red dragon in the Dragonfire ad seem familiar to you? That's because Keith Parkinson used a similarly-styled red dragon for the cover of Dungeon Magazine, issue #1.
- Can we please get a better proofreader? From the review of Under Fire: "Create a road block and even blow a bride or two." I hope you meant 'bridge' there, because otherwise this is a very strange war game.
- Scorpia's no longer on CompuServe. But you can still find her on GENIE, Delphi, and The Source, as well as regular ol' postal mail if you just cannot get the hang of this 'electronic mail' thing.
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