ISSUE: 6Content
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Fandom Central - Do Fans need to Organize?
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Gaming Gossip
Tricks of the Trade:
Mickey Mania (Genesis, Sega CD, Super NES)
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Quest (Genesis)
Beauty and the Beast: Roar of the Beast (Genesis)
Lemmings (Super NES)
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (Super NES)
Speedy Gonzalez (Game Boy)
EXO Squad (Genesis)
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions (Super NES)
Fire Power 2000 (Super NES)
Pirates of Dark Water (Genesis)
Aero the Acro-Bat (Super NES)
Marko (Genesis)
Double Dragon V (Super NES)
Ultimate Fighter (Super NES)
Yogi Bear (Super NES)
Batman: Return of The Joker (Genesis)
Urban Strike (Genesis)
Shaq Fu (Super NES)
Mortal Kombat II (Genesis)
Samurai Shodown (Neo Geo CD)
Pac-Man 2 (Super NES)
Heads or Tails: Bloodstorm, Cruis'n USA, Primal Rage
Next Wave:
Eternal Champions CD (Sega CD, released as Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side)
Mega Bomberman (Genesis)
RapJam Volume 1 (Super NES)
Brutal (32X)
ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Genesis)
Midnight Raiders (Sega CD)
Ogre Battle (Super NES, released as Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen)
Ecco: The Tides of Time (Sega CD)
Marko's Magic Soccer Ball (Genesis, released as Marko)
Power Rangers (Sega CD)
NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (Genesis)
Young Indiana Jones (Sega CD)
Home Improvement (Super NES)
Flying Nightmares (Sega CD, 3DO, Sega CD version was never released)
The Legend of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
Ignition Factor (Super NES)
Shanghai (3DO, released as Shanghai: Triple-Threat)
International Outlook: Rockman Mega World (Mega Drive, released in Europe as Mega Man: The Wily Wars, would not get a NA release till 2022), Wonder Project J (Super Famicom), Go! Go! Ackman (Super Famicom), Godzilla (Super Famicom), Battle Racers (Super Famicom), Super Tetris 3 (Super Famicom), Hashire Hebereke (Super Famicom), World Heroes 2 Jet (Game Boy)
Arcade Action: T-Mek Tournament, Samurai Showdown II, Bubble Symphony, Hyper League, Raiden DX, Killer Instinct
Special Feature! Sony PlayStation: Interview with Sony of Japan Computer Entertainment Division Hiroshi Kiyomoto, Cybersled, Starblade, Motor Toon Grand Prix, Hyper Solid Toshinden, A-IV Evolution, Hot Blooded Family, Hamlet, Mah Jong Mazin, Cosmic Race, Victory Zone, King's Field, Tama, Twin Goddesses, Falcata, Myst, Rayman, Kileak, The Blood, Philosoma, Metal Jacket, Arc the Lad, Mobile Suit Gundam, Crime Crackers, Kowloon's Gate, Gokujyo Parodius Deluxe Pack, Geom Cube, Mystic Hunter Lime, Ridge Racer, Live Powerful Pro Baseball, Twin Bee Puzzle Drama,
Special Feature! Jaguar: Checkered Flag, Bubsy, Syndicate, Theme Park, Val d' Ise're, Skiing and Snowboarding, Iron Soldier
Special Feature!: Shiny Entertainment
Special Feature! Batman and Robin (Genesis)
Super NES:
Super Punch Out
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
Mega Man X2
Rise of the Robots
NFL Quarterback Club '95
Exo Squad
The Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Wars Arcade
Sega CD:
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Popful Mail
The Misadventures of Flink
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
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