ISSUE: 8Content
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Fandom Central - The Price of Fan Activity
Press Start
Gaming Gossip
Tricks of the Trade:
Donkey Kong Country (Super NES)
Sparkster (Super Famicom)
Art of Fighting 2 (Super Famicom)
Samurai Shodown (Game Gear, Game Boy)
Hagane (Super NES)
Doom (Jaguar)
Double Dragon V (NES)
Bassin's Black Bass (Super NES)
WWF Raw (Genesis)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Super NES)
Contra: The Alien Wars (Game Boy)
Guardian Wars (3DO)
Contra Hard Corps (Genesis)
Burn Cycle (CD-i)
Super Bomberman 2 (Super NES)
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Super NES)
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (Super NES)
Next Wave:
PO'ed (3DO)
Green Lantern (Super NES, never released)
Pyramid Intruder (3DO, Japan only release)
Earthworm Jim (Game Boy)
Penn & Teller's Smoke & Mirrors (Sega CD, never released)
Myst (Saturn)
Mutant Chronicles (Super NES)
Thunder in Paradise (CD-i)
Wing Commander III (3DO)
Secret of Evermore (Super NES)
Dynoblaze (3DO, never released)
Swat Katz (Super NES, released as SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron)
Theme Park (Super NES, Japan/Europe only release)
International Outlook: Lady Stalker (Super Famicom), Clockwork Knight (Saturn), Live Power Pro Baseball (PlayStation), Belzerion (3DO)
Arcade Action: Cyber Commando, Primal Rage, Tekken, Gunbird, Sega Rally Championship
Special Feature! Behind the scenes with the makers of Sega Rally!
Special Feature! EGM takes a closer look at the minds behind VF2
Special Feature! Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium (Genesis)
Winter CES'95: Las Vegas
Super NES:
Desert Demolition starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
X-Men 2: Clone Wars
The Itchy & Scratchy Game
Sega CD:
Earthworm Jim: Special Edition
Battle Frenzy
Space Harrier
Crime Patrol
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