ISSUE: 9Content
Insert Coin
Interface Letters to the Editor
Fandom Central - Chip off the Old 'Bloch'
Press Start
Gaming Gossip
Tricks of the Trade:
Demon's Crest (Super NES)
Power Instinct (Mega Drive)
Godzilla Monster War (Super Famicom)
Gokujyoh Parodius Deluxe Pack (Super Famicom)
WWF Raw (Super NES)
Clayfighter 2 (Super NES)
Earthworm Jim (Genesis)
Go Go Ackman (Super Famicom)
Gauntlet IV (Genesis)
Tiny Toon Wacky Sports Challenge (Super NES)
Toshinden (PlayStation)
Star Wars Arcade (32X)
Final Fantasy III (Super NES)
Rise of the Robots (Super NES)
Heads or Tails: X-Men, Killer Instinct, Virtua Fighter 2
Next Wave:
Bloodstorm (PlayStation, Saturn, never released)
Lunar: Eternal Storm (Sega CD, released as Lunar: Eternal Blue)
Realm (Super NES)
Oscar (Super NES)
Donkey Kong Land (Game Boy)
Whizz (Super NES)
Rage Rally (Jaguar, released as Power Drive Rally)
Hell (3DO, released as Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller)
Earth Bound (Super NES)
International Outlook: Suiko Enbu (Saturn, released in NA as Dark Legend), Daytona USA (Saturn), Front Mission (Super Famicom), Cybersled (PlayStation), Raiden Project (PlayStation)
Arcade Action: X-Men: Children of the Atom, Virtua Fighter 2
Special Feature! Mega Man X2 (Super NES)
Interview with Anthony Marquez (Kung Lao from Mortal Kombat III)
Super NES:
Metal Warriors
True Lies
Comix Zone
Barkley Shut up and Jam! 2
Sega CD:
Dungeon Explorer
Golf Magazine Presents 36 Great Holes starring Fred Couples
Thunder in Paradise
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