ISSUE: 1Content
- Atari VCS - 2600 - Supercharger
- Atari 5200
- Atari 400
- Atari 800
- Coleco ColecoVision
- Mattel Intellivision
- Magnavox Odyssey2
- Magnavox Odyssey3 (news coverage, never released)
- Ultravision (news coverage, never released)
- GCE Vectrex
- Timex-Sinclair TS-1000
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 111
- Commodore VIC-20
- Commodore MAX (aka Ultimax)
- Texas Instruments 99/4A
- Apple II+
- arcade
- stand-alones
(The following is loosely based on this issue's table of contents. Bullets lists and (notes) added for clarity.)
Special Report
Games Go Hollywood by Ed Hulse
Soon to be a major video game... Movies are being translated into video games at a breakneck pace.
Top industry executives give you insights on the future of games in a meeting of the (game) minds. ('A Meeting of the (Game) Minds;' panel inteview; panelists Atari VP Ron Stringari, Arcadia VP Don Thompson, Coleco VP Michael Katz, Hope Netman of GCE, Imagic VP Brian Dougherty, Mattel VP Peter Pirner, Telesys President Richard Taylor)
Feature Articles
The $200 Question: Which game system is right for you? by Randi Hacker
To buy or not to buy, that is the question. So many video game systems and so little money, what's a buyer to do? (multiple choice questionnaire to aid in determining best console system)
Here comes... Pac-Man-Imation! by Mark Trost
EF takes you behind the Yellow Dot in an exclusive interview with Marty Ingels, the voice of Pac-Man. (Marty Ingels (Pac-Man voice actor) interview)
I Hate Video Games! by Emily Prager
Tired of bleeps, blips and illegal alien invaders? Then this excerpt from the popular book is exactly what you need.
The Byte Report: 1982 Microcomputer Buyer's Guide by Susan D. Prince and Mark Trost
Planning to invest in a home computer? Don't get stuck with just another pretty interface. (contrast & comparison commentary of the following:)
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III
- Commodore VIC-20
- Commodore MAX
- Apple II+
- Atari 400
- Atari 800
- Texas Instruments 99/4A
Dear Mama And Data... Letters home from Computer Camp by Randi Hacker
These letters home from computer camp give you a behind-the-screen look at what really goes on. (tongue-in-cheek)
Continuing Series
Gamemakers: Boy Wonder by Dan Gutman
He's 20, he's single and he's one of the hottest designers in the business. Meet Mark Turmell, whiz kid. (interview)
First Screening: Reader Program Of The Month
David Thomas takes you on a journey through the gold mines of his game Danger Down Deep. The first in a clip-and-save series. (game design contest; for TRS-80 Model III; includes program code)
Equipment Reviews
Vectrekking! by Walter Saim
Vector/Vectoria - GCE's new vector-screen Vectrex video game system brings arcade action and sound effects into your home. (Vectrex commentary; includes game overviews of the following:)
- Mine Storm
- Star Trek
- Armor Attack
- Berzerk
- Clean Sweep
- Hyperchase
- Scramble
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Super Atari by Marc Wielage
The Atari 5200 may be only twice the number of the old 2600, but its got more than twice as much to offer. An in-depth, hands-on report. (Atari 5200 commentary; includes the following sections:)
- The Console
- The Pac-Man cometh... again
- The Universal Controllers
- The Future of the 5200
- Super Breakout
- Space Invaders
- Galaxian
$99! Computer - We take the TS 1000 for a Test Disk Drive by Fred Blechman
TS I love you. Timex flies with the new TS 1000, a full-function computer that costs less than a dinner for two at some restaurants.
Game Reviews
('Indiana Jones in your living room;' game reviews with 1-5 joystick rating scale and "promo" screenshot; some reviews include second opinion and/or "pro-tip.")
- Raiders Of The Lost Ark (VCS)
- Astrosmash/Astroblast (VCS)
- Room Of Doom (VCS)
- The Empire Strikes Back (VCS)
- Communist Mutants From Space (VCS with Supercharger)
- Swordquest Earthworld, Fireworld (combo review; VCS)
- Phaser Patrol (VCS with Supercharger)
- Megamania (VCS)
- Microsurgeon (Int)
- Demons To Diamonds (VCS)
- Omega Race (VIC20)
- Gorf (VIC20)
- Draw Poker (VIC20)
- Jupiter Lander (VIC20)
A word from our publisher ('A new video game magazine? Why?' by The Editors)
Letters to the Editors
We welcome your feedback. (reader mail)
New Products
The latest in equipment.
- Parker Brothers Monopoly Playmaster (electronic boardgame accessory)
- Commodore MAX Machine (game computer)
- Wico Model 15-9714 (joystick)
- Sega Subroc (arcade game)
- Mattel Intellivoice (Intellivision expansion module; shown)
- Ultravision (game console; shown)
- Odyssey2 The Voice (voice module; shown)
An irreverent gazette of gaming news. (' A comical catch-all of odds and ends')
- Type Dirty To Me
- Quest For Tires
- Debbie Does Atari
- Battle Of The Network Stars
- Food & Games
- The Things That Wouldn't Die
Got a question? We've got the answer. ('Aliens in the back seat;' Q&A)
E.F.G. Times
You read it here first. (news section)
- Video Games - Are They Killing Rock and Roll? (videogames cutting into record sales)
- Atari To Give Away $150G (Swordquest contest)
- Corn-Man? (Cornnuts Inc.'s Pac-like logo)
- Are You A Video Jack? (Twin Galaxies International Scoreboard)
- Quote Of The Month...
- VG-Hyperspace Into Hollywood (videogaming advertising in theaters)
- Do You Have Computer Phobia? (Young People's LOGO Association)
- Vid-Triv (Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Robotron 2084 trivia)
- The Top Ten (Top 10 Home games, Top 10 Arcade games)
- The Zowie Effect (Stargate Zowie Effect score bonus; Defending the Galaxy video game scrapebook)
- Imagic Ships Millionth Cart
- Monthly Contest! (The Empire Strikes Back high-score contest)
- Joystick Flash (replacement parts for Atari joysticks)
- Intellivision and Odyssey Slug It Out (Intellivision's sports games infringe on Odyssey patents)
- Odyssey Three in '83 (upcoming system details)
- Intellivision Owners (upcoming Intellivision games from Activision, Coleco and Imagic)
- Free Record From Data Age (music based on Data Age games)
- Used Video Games Sale (Forest Hills Video Games used game store)
- Be President! (Mattel's Utopia)
- Throw A VG Tournament (Video Masters' game tournament kit)
A Show of Handhelds
The latest in games-to-go. ('A gorilla on your table and a pocket dragon;' stand-alone overviews:)
- Coleco Donkey Kong (tabletop)
- Mattel Dungeons & Dragons, Star Hawk (combo overview; handhelds)
Name that Game! (screenshot identification contest)
Michael Blanchet's strategy tips. ('Trounce Robotron: Save the last human family;' Robotron 2084 arcade game strategies)
Random Access
Computer news (brief news stories:)
- Cube Stake (Block Buster)
- Radio Shack and Intellivision (Tandyvision One, Color Computer)
- New Format From Imagic (Int, 400/800 games)
- Sinclair's Newest (ZX Spectrum)
- MAX Is Late (MAX,VIC-20,64)
- Quickies (Preppie, Nukewar, Reagonomics)
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