ISSUE: 6Content
- Atari VCS - 2600
- Atari 400
- Atari 800
- Coleco ColecoVision
- Mattel Intellivision
- Magnavox Odyssey2
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III
- Commodore VIC-20
- Texas Instruments TI 99/4A
- Apple II - II+
- arcade
- stand-alones
(The following is loosely based on this issue's table of contents. Bullets lists and (notes) added for clarity.)
(This issue includes five fake stories as part of an 'April Fool' contest, later revealed in the September 1983 issue. These articles are noted.)
Special Reports
A Game Is Born - From inspiration to installation by David Tuller
This article answers the embarrassing question: Where do arcade games come from?
Ultimate video game - Meet the winners of our contest
Meet the lucky three people whose games will be sent to one of the software companies. Plus: All the second place winners and honorable mentions.
It's the Real Thing... or is it? - The clone game challenge by Raymond Dimetrosky
There are more than 400 VCS games in the Naked City and many of them look alike. But do they play alike? EF answers that question and tells you which are the best of the bunch.
VIC Pix - A short course in VIC-20 computer graphics by Martin Bass
As if business application programs and home finance weren't exciting enough, you can also turn your VIC into an artistic medium.
Regular Features
Congratulations! It's A B.O.B.! - The father of video games has a new baby by George Kopp
Nolan's back and B.O.B.'s got him. So does TOPO. Read all about Nolan Bushnell's newest creations in this exclusive interview with the father of video games.
Gamemakers: The Kitchens, Inc. by Dan Gutman
What's cooking with the Kitchens? Find out when EF talks with the man behind the VCS Donkey Kong and Activision's new Keystone Kapers game. (Gary Kitchen interview)
Hey! What About Us? - Animals that games forgot by Randi Hacker
They shoot horses, don't they? And they shoot gophers and other wildlife but they don't shoot owls or skunks or goldfish. Why? Read about the animals that games forgot.
First Screening: The Cube
Square off against Mark Pickhenheim's puzzle for the TRS-80 Model III. (winning reader submitted contest entry; includes program code)
Parlez-vous BASIC? Expanding your BASIC Vocabulary Part II by Randi Hacker (this article is not listed in this issue's TOC)
Equipment Reviews
Game Workout: Intellivision II: The Sequel - We rate the New Master Component by Michael Blanchet
The next generation of master Components from Mattel gives you better games, more peripherals and backwards/forwards compatibility.
Computer Workout: Yippee T-I-A! - Texas Instruments' TI 99/4A by Jules Gilder
The eyes of Texas Instruments are upon you. An in-depth report of the TI 99/4A, the userfriendly computer from the Lone Star State.
Game Reviews
('Inside the body electronic;' game reviews with 1-5 joystick rating scale and "promo" screenshot; some reviews include "pro-tip.")
- Fantastic Voyage (VCS)
- Tapeworm (VCS)
- Orient Express (VCS) (April Fool)
- Royal Dealer (Int)
- Coconuts (VCS)
- Dragonfire
- Smithereens (Ody)
- Amidar (VCS)
- Phoenix (VCS)
- Turmoil (VCS)
- Carnival (Col)
- Vanguard (VCS)
- Gopher (VCS)
- Ricochet (8K VIC20)
- Protector 2 (800)
- Adventureland (400,800)
- Monster Maze (800)
- Caverns of Mars (400,800)
- Microwave (Apple II)
- Night Mission Pinball (Apple II+)
- Encounter At L-5 (VCS)
A word from the editors. ('FUN is more fun than ever' by The Editors)
Ha, Ha April Fool!
Can you find the jokes? (contest; five false facts hidden throughout the issue)
Letters to the Editors
We welcome your feedback. (reader mail)
New Products
The latest in equipment. ('Stepping out with the Promqueen')
- Vectrix Color Graphics System (computer)
- Technotel Corp Radio Games (handheld game/AM radio)
- Westmark VideoPak Console Case (system/games organizer)
- J&A Marketing Communications Video Game Album (game cases)
- Zircon Joystick Adapters (Colecovision controller joystick add-on)
- Discwasher PointMaster Pro (joystick)
- Gloucester Computer Bus Promqueen (VIC20 development system/chip writer)
- Mountebank Products GameScreen (time-limit device; April Fool)
Got a question? We've got the answer. ('Mattel plays arcade game;' Q&A; Peter Dalton's letter and reply are part of this issue's April Fool contest)
Top Ten
The most popular in arcade and home. (home and arcade top 10 lists)
Reader's Tips
Your hints for higher scores. (reader and designer submitted tips and strategies)
- General Tip
- Pitfall!
- Donkey Kong
- Demon Attack
- Kaboom!
- Turbo
- Dig Dug
- Orient Express (April Fool)
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Tempest
Michael Blanchet's strategy tips. ('Toeing the Front Line;' Front Line arcade game strategies)
E.F.G. Times
You read it here first. (news section)
- Games Are Good For You (pro-videogame studies) (April Fool)
- Monthly Contest (Communist Mutants From Space hi-score contest)
- Will Big Names Mean Big Games? (IP licensing)
- EF Has A Winner
- All-Prose Games From Infocom
- Name The U.S. Game And Win (contest)
- Six For The 4077th (MASH formats; 2600,400/800,VIC-20,TI 99/4A,Intellivision,ColecoVision)
- Atari Anyone? (Atari 800 official computer of the Association of Tennis Professionals)
- Turn Your VCS Into A Computer (Unitronic Expander, Expander II computer upgrade add-ons for VCS)
- How Good Are You? (hi-score ratings by the American Video Athletic Association)
- Commodore Software Spree! (upcoming C64 software)
- Now's Your Chance! Be A Game Designer (Sirius Software,RSVP Software hiring)
- Quote Of The Month
An irreverent gazette of gaming news. ('Working out and frozen games')
- Bytecycling
- Food and Games Part II
- Let's Get Personal, Personal
- Apeus Corpus
- Have You Heard Atari Today?
Top Secret
The latest in gaming gossip. (rumors & speculation by The Fly)
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