ISSUE: 8Content
- Atari VCS - 2600
- Atari 5200
- Atari computers - 400 - 800 - 1200
- Apple II - IIe
- Coleco ColecoVision
- Mattel Intellivision
- GCE Vectrex
- Commodore 64
- Commodore VIC-20
- Texas Instruments TI 99/4A
- arcade
(The following is loosely based on this issue's table of contents. Bullets lists and (notes) added for clarity.)
Special Reports
The Two-bit Operation - Making arcade games change their dots by Randi Hacker and William Michael Brown
The games they are a-changin' - with a little help from arcade operators that is. Read about the secret tricks arcade operators use to alter your favorite games and make them even tougher to beat. (includes 'Stargate: What the doctor ordered' section)
Keyboard Bypass by Marc Berman
Of mice and pens. Even if you can't type worth a darn, you can still use a computer thanks to a slew of nifty little devices like the mouse, the light pen, the graphics tablet and voice recognition interfaces.
The Complete Gamers Guide... for all Commodore computer users - the biggest Who's Who of computer games
A comprehensive listing of all the companies making games for the VIC-20 and Commodore 64, including a number of titles that haven't been released yet but will be coming out in the near future. (software publisher capsule overviews)
Regular Features
Now Hear This... by Kim Mills
Talk is not cheap... yet. But prices on voice recognition peripherals for computers and games are coming down and pretty soon you'll be able to tell your computer where to go.
Phil Wiswell's Gamemakers: The Learning game
Bernie DeKoven talks about how he makes his Alien Garden grow and what he and the other members of the design team at the Children's Computer Workshop have planned in the way of computer games for the novice user. (interview)
First Screening: Dragon Maze
Near-sighted dragons and dead-end roads in Les Coe's Dragon Maze for the TI 99/4A. (reader submitted winning game program; includes program code)
Equipment Reviews
Game Workout: One million A.C.* - Super Game Module: Million bit baby (* After ColecoVision) by William Michael Brown
Microcassettes mean maxi game power in Module Number 3 from Coleco power in Module Number 3 from Coleco. Super Buck Rogers and Super Donkey Kong Jr. are just two of the new games.
Computer Workout: The Core Of The Apple IIe - We test the latest fruit of knowledge by Hartley Lesser
A new look, a new logo and almost 100 per cent compatibility with other Apple software.
Game Reviews
('Enduro: On the road again;' game reviews with 1-5 joystick rating scale and "promo" screenshot; some reviews include "pro-tip.")
- Enduro (VCS)
- Plaque Attack (VCS)
- Tropical Troubles (Int)
- Frankenstein's Monster (VCS)
- Burgertime (Int)
- Qix (5200)
- Ram It (VCS)
- Bedlam (Vec)
- Jedi Arena (VCS)
- Ripoff (Vec)
- Crypts of Chaos (VCS)
- Keystone Kapers (VCS)
- Astro Chase (400,800)
- Evolution (Apple II)
- Choplifter (400,800)
- David's Midnight Magic (800)
- Wayout (800)
- Trashman (VIC20)
- Star Blazer (Apple IIe)
- Bandits (400,800,1200)
A word from our editors. ('When the game's not the same' by The Editors)
Letters to the Editors
We welcome your feedback. (reader mail)
New Products
The latest in equipment. ('Survival of the fittest: the Vulcan death grip')
- Discwasher Disk Drive Cleaner
- Wico Interface Card (trackball/joystick interface card for PC)
- Koplow Games Video Survival Kit
- RG Dynamics VC-1 Videosonic Stereo Phasor
- Nicoletti Enterprices VCH (video coin holder)
- Electra Concepts Triga Command Joystick
- Sega Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator (arcade game)
- Pusher Sales Video Game Storage Units
- Recoton V335 Game Switcher (two-system multi-switch)
- TG Products Trak Ball Controller
- Nancy and Company Videomax Game Glove
Got a question? We've got the answer. (Q&A)
Michael Blanchet's arcade strategy tips. ('Buck Rogers and Burgertime: Aren't you hungry?;' arcade game strategies:)
- Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
- Burgertime
E.F.G. Times
You read it here first. (news section)
- New Games By The Truckload (upcoming Intellivision III hardware details; Vectrex hardware and software; 2600 software; 5200 software)
- Monthly Contest (Donkey Kong Jr. contest)
- Winnah and Still Champeen (boxers play Activision Boxing)
- Zaxxon Whizzette Defies The Experts (Susan Fandler - Super Zaxxon player - vs. the videogame gender stereotype)
- First City Of Games (Ottumwa, Iowa, named Video Game Capital of the World)
- Benefit (Activision sponsors United Cerebral Palsy telethon Pitfall contest)
- Quote Of The Month
An irreverent gazette of gaming news. ('Prepared and ready to ware')
- Reach Out and Cure Someone
- Crime Plays
- Computer Sportsware
- Semi-Precious Conductors
- Penmanchips
- Be Prepared, Courteous And Programmable
- K Is For Kosher
by Randi Hacker ('A Brief But Wholly Fictitious History Of Video Games' by Randi Hacker and Sam Viviano; comic strip)
Readers' Tips
Your hints for higher scores. (reader submitted tips and strategies)
- Donkey Kong
- E.T.
- Lady Bug
- Night Stalker
- Robotron
- Berzerk
- Pitfall!
- Tombstone City
Top Ten (Home and Arcade top lists)
The most popular home and arcade games.
Top Secret
The latest in gaming gossip. (rumors & speculation by The Fly)
Report Issue