ISSUE: 14Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System - Famicom
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Master System
- Sega Genesis - Mega Drive
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 - PC-Engine
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD Player
- Atari Lynx
- SNK Neo Geo
Insert Coin - Giving The Players What They Want... by Steve Harris (editorial)
Interface: Letters To The Editor
Electronic Gaming Review Crew
- Total Recall (NES)
- Journey to Silius (NES)
- Rollergames (NES)
- Swords & Serpents (NES)
- Super Monaco GP (SMS)
- Columns (SMS)
- Devil's Crush (TG16)
- Psychosis (TG16)
- Moonwalker (Gen)
- Budoken (Gen)
- Wizards & Warriors X (GB)
- Batman (GB)
- Klax (Lynx)
- Xenophobe (Lynx)
Gaming Gossip by Quartermann
Next Wave (capsule previews; featured in contents section)
- Shadow of the Ninja (NES)
- Y's - Books 1 and 2 (TG16CD) (Ys Books I & II)
- Legendary Axe 2 (TG16)
- Bravoman (TG16)
- Dragon's Curse (TG16)
- Tiger Road (TG16)
Electronic Gaming Express - SNK Announces Stateside Release of 32-Bit Neo-Geo System!! (featured in contents section)
Tricks of the Trade
- Ghouls and Ghosts (Gen) (Ghouls n Ghosts)
- Thunder Force 3 (Gen)
- Cyber Core (TG16)
- Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES)
- Chip's Challenge (Lynx)
- Gauntlet: The Third Encounter (Lynx)
- Dynowarz (NES)
- Blazing Lazers (TG16)
- Double Dungeons (TG16)
- Rad Racer 2 (NES)
- Bonk's Adventure (TG16)
- World Court Tennis (TG16)
- Ironsword (NES)
- Dig Dug 2 (NES)
- Tecmo World Wrestling (NES)
- Populous (Gen)
- Deep Blue (TG16)
- Cosmic Epsilon (NES)
- King of Casino (TG16)
- Castlevania 3 (NES)
International Outlook - The Tokyo Toy Show - The Games of 1991! (10 pages of overseas coverage; featured in contents section as 'EGM Blazes Into Tokyo For The Ultimate Game Show')
Nintendo Player (NES 2-page 'Fact Files')
- Mega Man 3
Sega Masters (SMS 1-page 'Fact Files')
- Gain Ground
- Super Monaco GP
Turbo Champ (TG16 2-page 'Fact Files')
- Psychosis
Outpost: Genesis (2-page 'Fact Files')
- Thunder Force III
- Whip Rush
Atari Adventure - New Games Coming Soon for the Lynx (capsule previews)
- Rampage
- Slime World
- Paperboy
- Zarlor Mercenary
- Xenophobe
- Klax
- Road Blasters
- Vindicators
- Ms. Pac Man
- Rygar
- 3-D Barrage
Gameboy Club (1-page 'Fact Files')
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
Screen Play - Electronic Gaming & Beyond (movies & TV; featured in contents section)
Team High Scores
Game Over! - Bonk's Adventure (spoiler alert!)
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