ISSUE: 16Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Super Famicom (the eventual Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Master System
- Sega Game Gear
- Sega Genesis
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD Player
- Atari Lynx
- Amstrad GX4000 (ultimately never released)
Below is a synopsis of this issue's contents. Game title typos, shorthand, working titles, etc, are maintained for the historical record. Any relevant clarifications and comments are noted (like so). - RetroDefense
Insert Coin - Video Gaming Direct From Japan... by Steve Harris (editorial)
Interface: Letters To The Editor
Electronic Gaming Review Crew (4-member panel game reviews; each review includes a screenshot, short game summary and four capsule reviews with commentary & score, with the combination encompassing 1/3rd of a page)
- Ultima - Avatar (NES) (Ultima: Quest of the Avatar)
- Yo Noid! (NES) (Yo! Noid)
- Little Nemo (NES) (Little Nemo: The Dream Master)
- Ultimate Basketball (NES)
- Dragon Warrior 2 (NES) (Dragon Warrior II)
- Adv. of J. Chan (NES) (Adventures of Jackie Chan)
- Princess Tomato (NES) (Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom)
- Palamedes (NES)
- Super Monaco GP (Gen)
- Whip Rush (Gen)
- Thunder Force 3 (Gen) (Thunder Force III)
- Atomic Robo Kid (Gen)
- Columns (Gen)
- Strider (Gen)
- Battle Royale (TG16)
- Bravoman (TG16)
- Tiger Road (TG16)
- TMNT (GB) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan)
- Godzilla (GB)
- Lock N' Chase (GB)
- Pipe Dream (GB)
- Dr. Mario (GB)
- Road Blasters (Lynx)
Gaming Gossip by Quartermann
Next Wave (capsule game previews with screenshots, approx. 1/2 page each)
- Double Dragon 3 (NES) (Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones)
- Adventure Island 2 (NES) (Adventure Island II)
- Were Wolf (NES)
- Super Star Soldier (TG16)
- Aeroblaster (TG16)
- Mickey Mouse (Gen) (Castle of Illusion)
- Dynamite Duke (Gen)
- John Madden Football (Gen)
- Technocop (Gen)
Electronic Gaming Express
- Amstrad Unveils Surprise Game Machine at London's CES Expo! (Amstrad GX4000; hardware and game screenshot (Burnin' Rubber) shown)
- Super Mario Bros. 4 - Super Mario World (preview; two-pages of Super Famicom coverage with screenshots)
Super Famicom (2 pages of game previews; 1/5th page each with screenshots)
- R-Type 2
- Gdleen
- Populous
- Super Darius
- Super Deformer
- Sim City
- Dynamite Bombuzal
- Ultraman
- Hole-In-One Golf
- Drakhen
Tricks of the Trade (tips, tricks and codes)
- Thunder Force 3 (Gen) (Thunder Force III)
- Dungeon Explorer (TG16)
- Gargoyle's Quest (GB)
- Astaynax (NES)
- Arnold Palmer Golf (Gen)
- Super Monaco GP (Gen)
- Phelios (Gen)
- Crater Maze (TG16)
- Thunderbirds (NES)
- Double Dungeons (TG16)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (GB) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan)
- Total Recall (NES)
- Daedalian Opus (GB)
- Nemesis (GB)
- Captain Skyhawk (NES)
- Sword of Vermilion (Gen)
- Psychosis (TG16)
- Dragon's Curse (TG16)
- Metal Fighter (NES)
- Back to the Future Pts. 2 & 3 (NES) (Back To The Future Parts II & III)
International Outlook - EGM Visits the Offices of Japan's Number One Magazine - Famitsu
Nintendo Player (NES; 2-page 'Fact File' game overviews)
- Yo! Noid
- Kickle Cubicle (here, never formally titled in 'Fact File')
Sega Masters (SMS; 2-page 'Fact File' game overviews)
- Joe Montana Football
Turbo Champ
- CD-ROM Special! (1-page overview of TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player and games)
- J.B. Harrold's Murder Club (TG16CD; 1-page 'Fact File')
- Final Zone 2 (TG16CD; 1-page 'Fact File')
- Last Alert (TG16CD; 1-page 'Fact File')
Outpost: Genesis (2-page (unless noted) 'Fact File' game overviews)
- Hellfire
- Shadow Dancer (1-page)
- Strider
Atari Adventure (2-page 'Fact File' game overviews)
- Road Blasters (Lynx)
Gameboy Club (1-page 'Fact File' game overviews; not listed in TOC)
- Dr. Mario
Screen Play (Super Force television show)
Top Score Club (not listed in TOC)
Game Over! - Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (NES; spoiler alert!)
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