ISSUE: 17Content
Insert Coin: "In the name of the game...," by Steve Harris
Interface: Letters to the Editor
Review Crew:
- Game Boy: Burai Fighter
- Genesis: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, Dynamite Duke, Final Zone, John Madden Football
- Lynx: Rygar
- Master System: Joe Montana Football
- NES: Caveman Games, Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, Silver Surfer, Werewolf
Gaming Gossip: by Quartermann
Electronic Gaming Express:
- Sega CD final specs
- Game Boy to NES converter
Next Wave (previews):
- Genesis: Dick Tracy, Gynoug, Thunder Force 4
- Master System: Buster Douglas Boxing, Pat Riley Basketball
- NES: Metal Storm, Pac-Mania
- TurboGrafx-16: Bomberman
Tricks of the Trade (codes):
- Game Boy: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Genesis: Phelios
- NES: Journey to Silius
- TurboGrafx-16: Bravoman, Klax, Super Star Soldier, Veigues Tactical Gladiator
International Outlook:
- Mega Drive: Crackdown, Darius 2, Gaiares, Twin Cobra, V-Attack
- Super Famicom: Ghouls & Ghosts 3, Jelly Bean
Simpsons Pinball (2 page report)
Nintendo Player:
- Simpsons: Bart vs Space Mutants
- TMNT II: The Arcade Game
Sega Masters:
- Ghouls & Ghosts
Outpost: Genesis:
- Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
- Dynamite Duke
- John Madden Football
Turbo Champ:
- Super Star Soldier
- Ninja Spirit high score contest
Atari Adventure:
- Rygar
Game Boy Club:
- 4 player adapter
- Burgertime
- Chase HQ
- Double Dribble 5 on 5
- F-1 Race
- Gremlins 2
- Kung Fu Master
- Operation C
- R-Type
- Spot
- Wizardry
Super Play:
- Ultima: Quest of the Avatar (4 pages)
- Sega Genesis Batman contest
Screen Play (movies):
- Highlander 2: The Quickening
- Shadow of the Ninja contest
Top Score Club:
- Target Earth (Game of the Month)
- ...and many others for Nintendo, Sega, Turbo, Genesis, Arcade.
Game Over! (endings):
- Ys: Book I & II
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