ISSUE: 111Content
- Letter From the Editor: Fundamentally Sound (Andy McNamara discusses E3 2002 and the overall quality of the various presentations)
- Dear GI (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- Nintendo Sends Gamecube Online (Nintendo joining the online revolution with its own modem and a broadband adapter for the Gamecube)
- XBOX Comes Alive (Microsoft announces XBOX Live online service)
- PS2 Online Launch Lineup and More (Sony’s give lineup of games to launch with their network adapter)
- Next-gen Nudity (Acclaim’s Dave Mirra BMX XXX to contain nudity)
- PS2 Gets Own Miami Vice (Sony signs exclusivity deal for Grand Theft Auto)
- Price Cuts For All Consoles (Nintendo and Microsoft announce prices cuts to follow up Sony)
- Namco’s New Star Fox (Namco to develop new Star Fox for Gamecube)
- A Sight Unseen (Tremor Entertainment announces XBOX game The Unseen)
- Classic GI (Article on collecting video games)
Cover Story: The Getaway (PS2)(Feature that looks at new game from Sony that gives players the opportunity to step into the shoes of a criminal in London)
E3 2002 (GI’s report on all the new and game announcements coming out form this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo as well as a report on how well each of the main three companies performed)
On Set: The Making of The House of the Dead: The Movie (A behind-the-scenes look at the movie adaption of The House of the Dead currently in production under the direction of Uwe Boll)
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell (PS2, XBOX, GC, PC)(A look at the new spy-thriller from French publisher Ubi Soft and it’s development studio in Montreal.)
- The Legend of Zelda (GC)
- Contra: Shattered Solider (PS2)
- Steel Battalion (XBOX)
- Panzer Dragoon Orta (XBOX)
- Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
- Ninja Gaiden (XBOX)
- Red Faction 2 (PS2)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PS2, XBOX, PC)
- Resident Evil 0 (GC)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (PS2)
- Blinx: The Time Sweeper (XBOX)
- Metroid Prime (GC)
- James Bond 007: Nightfire (PS2, XBOX, GC, PC)
- Doom III (PC)
- Burnout 2: Point of Impact (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (PS2, GC)
- Shinobi (PS2)
- Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus (XBOX)
- Breath of Fire (PS2)
- WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth (PS2)
PlayStation 2 Reviews:
- Stuntman
- Test Drive
- Aggressive Inline
- Way of the Samurai
- Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing
- Freekstyle
- Legion: The Legend of Excalibur
Gamecube Review:
- Lost Kingdoms
XBOX Reviews:
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
- Outlaw Golf
- Totaled
- Hunter: The Reckoning
- World Series Baseball
PlayStation Reviews:
- Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
- C-12: Final Resistance
- The Italian Job
PC Reviews:
- Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix*
- Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror
- The Sum of All Fears
Game Boy Advance Reviews:
- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- The Pinball of the Dead
- Desert Strike Advance
Quickie Reviews (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Sky Gunner (PS2)
- Fireblade (PS2)
- Shifters (PS2)
- Lethal Skies (PS2)
- Endgame (PS2)
- Britney’s Dance Beat (PS2, GBA)
- Downforce (PS2)
- Legends of Wrestling (XBOX)
- Test Drive (XBOX)
- MotoGP (XBOX)
- Wolfenstein 3D (GBA)
- NASCAR Heat 2002 (GBA)
- All-Star Baseball 2003 (GBA)
- Zoocube (GBA)
- Star X (GBA)
Secret Access (Cheat codes and strategy guides):
- RedCard 2003 (PS2)
- Dark Cloud (PS2)
- Mister Mosquito (PS2)
- Endgame (PS2)
- State of Emergency (PS2)
- Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2)
- PaRappa the Rapper 2 (PS2)
- Twisted Metal: Black (PS2)
- Way of the Samurai (PS2)
- Onimusha: Warlords (PS2)
- ATV Offroad Fury (PS2)
- World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002 (PS2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Forbidden Memories (PS)
- Arc the Lad (PS)
- The Italian Job (PS)
- Grand Theft Auto 2 (PS)
- RalliSport Challenge (XBOX)
- ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 (XBOX)
- Max Payne (XBOX)
- Al-Star Baseball 2003 (GC)
- Star Wars: Rogue Leader (GC)
- Wolfenstein 3D (GBA)
- Konami Collector’s Series: Arcade Advanced (GBA)
- Ice Age (GBA)
- Britney’s Dance Beat (GBA)
- The Sims: Vacation (PC)
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC)
- Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (PC)
- Dungeon Siege (PC)
Retro Reviews:
- Blazing Lazers (Turbografx 16)
- Discworld (PS)
- Gunstar Heroes (Gen)
- Super Tennis (SNES)
Classic Strategy (Strategy guide for the classic adventure title Out of This World for the SNES)
*Listed for the PlayStation 2, but it is actually on the PC.
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