ISSUE: 120Content
Alternate cover:
- Letter From the Editor: It’s A Hit-Driven World (Andy McNamara discusses how companies and gamers tend to focus on large-scale triple-A titles when there are plenty of smaller-scale games that deserve attention as well)
- Dear GI (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- N-Gage Expands Cell Phone Gaming (Nokia announces new cell phone/gaming handheld hybrid with game support from publishers such as Activision and Sega)
- First Look At New Pikmin and Kirby Titles (First-look at Pikmin 2 and Kirby’s Air Ride)
- Putting The New GBA To The Test (A look at the features of Nintendo’s upcoming slimmer GBA)
- Grand Theft Auto Rocks, All Else Suxx (NPD data for the top 20 selling titles of 2002)
- Sega Cans Gamecube Sports, Adds Sammy (Sega cancels all sports titles for the Gamecube; plans to merge with Sammy Corp.)
- Light Shed on Kojima GBA Title (New info on Hideo Kojima’s GBA title Boktai)
- Classic GI (Interview with David Kushner, author of Masters of Doom)
Cover Story: Syphon Filter: Omega Strain and Jak II (PS2)(A double cover feature that takes a look at two hot sequels coming to the PS2, the first is an online-capable entry in the Syphon Filter series and the second is the first sequel to Naughty Dog’s fantastic platformer Jak and Daxter)
Game Infacer (GI’s annual April Fools parody feature that contains fake news and reviews)
- Enter the Matrix (PS2, XBOX, GC, PC)
- Deus Ex 2: The Invisible War (XBOX, PC)
- Unlimited Saga (PS2)
- Pitfall Harry (PS2, Xbox, GC)
- Project Gotham Racing 2 (XBOX)
- Red Dead Revolver (PS2)
- Driver 3 (PS2, XBOX, GC, PC)
- Splashdown 2 (PS2, XBOX)
- Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- I, Gladiator (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
- The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon (PC)
- Tube Slider (GC)
- Lost Kingdoms II (GC)
- Men of Valor: Vietnam (XBOX, PC)
- The Hulk (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Starsky & Hutch (PS2)
PlayStation 2 Reviews:
- Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
- Def Jam Vendetta
- Dynasty Warriors 4
- Splinter Cell
- World Series Baseball 2K3
- High Heat 2004
- MVP Baseball 2003
- All-Star Baseball 2004
- MLB Slugfest 2004
- MLB 2004
PlayStation Review:
- Final Fantasy Origins
Gamecube Reviews:
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- Summoner: A Goddess Reborn
- Def Jam Vandetta
- Red Faction II
- The Sum OF All Fears
XBOX Reviews:
- Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
- Pro Race Driver
- Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus
- The Sims
PC Reviews:
- Command & Conquer Generals
- Master of Orion III
Game Boy Advance Reviews:
- Lufia: Ruins of Lore
- Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire
- Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Quickie Reviews (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Winning Eleven 6 (PS2)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PS2)
- Vexx (PS2)
- Motogp 3 (PS2)
- Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (PS2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses (PS2)
- The King of Route 66 (PS2)
- MLB Slugfest 2004 (GC, XBOX)
- Resident Evil 2 (GC)
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (GC)
- All-Star Baseball 2004 (XBOX, GBA)
- High Heat 2004 (XBOX)
- Red Faction II (XBOX)
- World Series Baseball 2K3 (XBOX)
- MVP Baseball 2003 (XBOX)
- ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 (XBOX)
- 1503 A.D.: The New World (PC)
- IGI 2: Covert Strike (PC)
- Highland Warriors (PC)
- Super Puzzle Fighter II (GBA)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters (GBA)
Secret Access (Cheat codes):
- War Of The Monsters (PS2)
- Black and Bruised (PS2, GC)
- Guilty Gear X2 (PS2)
- All-Star Baseball 2004 (PS2)
- Devil May Cry 2 (PS2)
- Conflict: Desert Storm (PS2, XBOX)
- Resident Evil 2 (GC)
- Red Faction II (GC)
- Disney Sports Soccer (GC)
- Phantasy Star Online Version I & II (GC)
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (GC)
- Toxic Grind (XBOX)
- Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (XBOX)
- Unreal II (PC)
Retro Reviews:
- Keio Flying Squadron (Sega CD)
- Wayne’s World (Gen)
- Mario’s Super Picross (SNES)
- Dead or Alive (PS)
Classic Strategy (A room-by-room guide for the NES game Adventures of Lolo)
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