ISSUE: 132Content
- Letter From the Editor: Old School (Andy McNamara discusses his love for the old-school classics)
- Dear GI (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- Halo 2 Shooting To Kill (Bungie announces it will ship in 2004 and provides first screenshots of multiplayer)
- New Mortal Kombat Causes Fatalities (Midway divulges some new details on the next Mortal Kombat game)
- Uru Live Dropped (Online features of Uru: Ages Beyond Mist to be dropped)
- GoldenEye Sequel Surfaces (EA to develop and publish sequel to classic FPS GoldenEye)
- Criterion Covert Ops (Developer of Burnout to develop new convert counter-terrorism game titled Black)
- 9 Out of 10 Dentists Recommend The Jaguar (Unsold Atari jaguar consoles converted into dental cameras by Imagin Systems Corporation)
- New Free Radical Shooter In Sight (Free Radical to develop new shooter called Second Sight)
- Classic GI (A look at the efforts to revive the adventure genre)
Cover Story: Jak 3 and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2)(Double cover feature that looks at two sequels to beloved PlayStation franchises Jak and Ratchet & Clank, both of which are the third entry in their respective series)
Game Infacer (GI’s annual April Fools parody feature with fake news and reviews)
Crash Bandicoot: Twinsanity (PS2, XBOX)(A look at the next entry in the Crash Bandicoot franchise, this time being places into the hands of Traveller’s Tale)
- God of War (PS2)
- MechAssault 2 (XBOX)
- Shadow of Rome (PS2)
- World of Warcraft (PC)
- Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (PS2)
- Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
- Thief: Deadly Shadows (XBOX, PC)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
- Mercenaries (PS2, XBOX)
- Killzone (PS2)
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Monster Hunter (PS2)
- Hot Shots Golf Fore! (PS2)
- Burnout 3 (PS2, XBOX)
- La Pucelle: Tactics (PS2)
- Tribes: Vengeance (PC)
- Mega Man X: Command Mission (PS2, GC)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Fight Night 2004 (PS2, XBOX)
- MTX: Mototrax (PS2, XBOX)
- The Suffering (PS2, XBOX)
- Pitfall Harry (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- All-Star Baseball 2005 (PS2, XBOX)
- ESPN Major League Baseball (PS2, XBOX)
- MVP Baseball 2004 (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Alias (PS2, XBOX)
PlayStation 2 Reviews:
- MLB 2005
- Rainbow Six 3
- Naval Ops: Commander
- Crimson Sea 2
Gamecube Reviews:
- Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
- WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Games
- Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution
- Custom Robo
XBOX Reviews:
- Ninja Gaiden
- Breakdown
- Unreal II: The Awakening
- Tenchu: Return From Darkness
- Colin McRae Rally 4
PC Reviews:
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
- Syberia II
- Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc
Game Boy Advance Review:
- Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Quickie Reviews (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Auto Modellista (XBOX)
- Star Trek: Shattered Universe (XBOX)
- Dead Man’s Hand (XBOX)
- A Sound Of Thunder (GBA)
- Sonic Battle (GBA)
- Ice Nine (GBA)
Secret Access (Cheat codes and strategy guides):
- James Bond 007: Everything Or Nothing (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Blowout (PS2, XBOX)
- MVP Baseball 2004 (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Gladius (PS2, GC)
- Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II (PS2, XBOX)
- I-Ninja (PS2, GC)
- R-Type Final (PS2)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PS2)
- Nightshade (PS2)
Retro Reviews:
- Skeleton Warriors (PS)
- Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
- Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (DC)
- The Death and Return of Superman (SNES)
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