ISSUE: 133Content
- Letter From the Editor: Same As It Ever Was… (Andy McNamara discusses some of the changes made to the magazine)
- Dear GI (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- First PSP Game Unveiled (Sony shows off Death Jr. for their new handheld system)
- Nintendo DS Specs Revealed? (Possible details on Nintendo’s new handheld leaked)
- EA Calls Upon The Godfather (EA announces game based on beloved film The Godfather)
- XNA Brings XBOX, PC Closer Together (Microsoft announces new platform to assist in development)
- The Truth And Consequences Of Drug Use in Video Games (Article on controversy surrounding Midway’s new NARC game)
- Interview: John Schappert (Interview with senior vice president and general manager of EA Canada)
- Classic GI (A look at beloved gaming franchises that no longer exist)
Cover Story: Halo 2 (XBOX)(Having crafted one of the defining titles of the XBOX console, Bungie now works hard on the sequel to live up to the original as well as take advantage of Microsoft’s online capabilities with XBOX Live-utilizing multiplayer)
Mortal Kombat: Deception (PS2, XBOX)(Feature where various members of the development team give their insights on various features of the next Mortal Kombat entry)
Homebrew Gaming 101: A Primer Course (Article that gives a basic guide on the process of developing games on your own)
- Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2)
- Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (XBOX)
- Driven to Destruction (PS2)
- Darkwatch (PS2, XBOX)
- Madden NFL 2005 (PS2, XBOX, GC, PC)
- NCAA Football 2005 (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Fire Emblem (GC)
- Bujingai: The Forsaken City (PS2)
- Men of Valor (XBOX, PC)
- Athens 2004 (PS2)
- Hitman: Contracts (PS2, XBOX)
- WWE: Day of Reckoning (GC)
- Iron Phoenix (XBOX)
- Tron 2.0: Killer App (XBOX)
- Metroid Prime 2 (GC)
- Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (PC)
- Paper Mario 2 (GC)
- Spyro: A Hero’s Tail (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong (GBA)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- NBA Baller (PS2, XBOX)
- Samurai Jack: the Shadow of Aku (PS2, GC)
- Serious Sam: The Next Encounter (PS2, GC)
- Scooby Doo!: Mystery Mayhem (PS2, XBOX, GC)
XBOX Reviews:
- Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
- TOCA Race Driver 2: Ultimate Racing Simulator
- Steel Battalion: Line of Contact
PlayStation 2 Reviews:
- Resident Evil: Outbreak
- Siren
- Samurai Warriors
- Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain
- World Tour Soccer 2005
- Destruction Derby Arenas
- Final Fantasy XI
- X-Files: Resist or Serve
- Seven Samurai 20XX
Gamecube Review:
- Pool Paradise
PC Reviews:
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Far Cry
- Battlefield Vietnam
- Gangland
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword
Game Boy Advance Review:
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Quickie Reviews (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2004 (GBA)
- Wade Hixton’s Counter Punch (GBA)
- R-Type III: The Third Lightning (GBA)
Secret Access (Cheat codes and strategy guides):
- Fight Night 2004 (PS2, XBOX)
- Battlestar Galactica (PS2, XBOX)
- MTX Mototrax (PS2, XBOX)
- MX Unleashed (PS2, XBOX)
- Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (PS2, GC)
- Mission Impossible: Operation Surma (PS2, XBOX)
- Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GC)
- Ninja Gaiden (XBOX)
- Gangland (PC)
- SpellForce – The Order Of Dawn (PC)
- Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA)
- Tenchu: Return From Darkness (XBOX)
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (XBOX)
Retro Reviews:
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (NES)
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula (SNES)
- Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume II (Sega CD)
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