ISSUE: 144Content
- Letter From the Editor: And The Video Game Roller Coaster Rides On… (Andy McNamara discusses the onslaught of high-profile games releasing in the next few months)
- Dear GI (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- Generation Next (Article that analyzes the information surrounding the three next-generation consoles)
- The Brutal Ballad of Fangus (New Oddworld game announced)
- Microsoft and the Mistwalker (Microsoft signs deal for RPGs on the next XBOX)
- Interview: Robert Garriott (Interview with the president of NCSoft America)
- Classic GI (Overview of the Legend of Zelda series)
Cover Story: From Russia With Love (PS2, XBOX, GC)(Extensive look at the next Bond game from EA)
Game Infacer (GI’s annual parody feature with fake news and reviews)
SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (PS2)(A look at the next entry in Zipper Interactive’s much-beloved military action shooter series)
- Without Warning (PS2, XBOX)
- The Godfather (XBOX 2, PS2, XBOX, PC)
- Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (PS2, XBOX)
- Sid Meier’s Civilization IV (PC)
- Jaws (PS2, XBOX, PC)
- L.A. Rush (PS2, XBOX)
- Killer 7 (PS2, GC)
- Cold Winter (PS2)
- Obscure (PS2, XBOX, PC)
- Haunting Ground (PS2)
- Advent Rising (XBOX, PC)
- Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball (GC)
- Rise & Fall: Civilizations At War (PC)
- Radiata Stories (PS2)
- Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance (PS2, XBOX)
- Casltevania: Curse of Darkness (PS2)
- Arc the Lad: End of Darkness (PS2)
- Stolen (PS2, XBOX, PC)
- FlatOut (PS2, XBOX, PC)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (XBOX, PC)
- TimeSplitters Future Perfect (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- MX vs. ATV Unleashed (PS2, XBOX)
- Project Snowblind (PS2, XBOX)
- FIFA Street (PS2, XBOX, GC)
- Red Ninja: End of Honor (PS2, XBOX)
- Constantine (PS2, XBOX)
PlayStation 2 Reviews:
- God of War
- Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
- Tekken 5
- Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
- Sega Classic Collection
- MLB 2006
- World Tour Soccer 2006
Gamecube Reviews:
- Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
- Star Fox Assault
- Mortal Kombat: Deception
XBOX Reviews:
- Doom 3
- Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
PC Reviews:
- Act of War – Direct Action
- The Sims 2 University
- Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
Nintendo DS Review:
- WarioWare Touched!
Quickie Reviews (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Playboy: The Mansion (PS2, XBOX, PC)
- Super Monkey Ball Deluxe (PS2, XBOX)
- Worms: Forts Under Siege (PS2, XBOX)
- Scrapland (XBOX)
- Still Life (XBOX)
- Top Gear RPM Tuning (XBOX)
- Super Army War (GBA)
- Zoo Keeper (DS)
- X-Men Legends (N-Gage)
Secret Access (Cheat codes and strategy guides):
- Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath (XBOX)
- Killzone (PS2)
- The Sims: Bustin’ Out (PS2)
- Armed & Dangerous (XBOX)
- World Championship Poker (GBA)
- RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (PC)
- Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)
- Champions: Return to Arms (PS2)
Retro Reviews:
- Deadly Towers (NES)
- Vectorman (Genesis)
- Castlevania III: Dracula’s Cruse (NES)
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