ISSUE: 178Content
- Letter From the Editor: Previously On... (Andy McNamara discusses why he wants games to include a television-like recap for sequel to get players up to speed on the story)
- Dear GI (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
Connect (Breaking News From the Game Industry):
- Mega Merger (Activision and Vivendi merge into Activision Blizzard)
- 5 Days of Wii Fit (Gi tests out the Japanese version of Wii Fit over the course of five days)
- The Art of FPS Multiplayer Design: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (A look behind the scenes on the creation of the multiplayer for CoD 4)
- Environmental Destruction (A look at how a number of video game and tech companies were rated by the Greener Electronics Guide, produced by Greenpeace)
- Top Ten: Sequels in Demand
- Afterwords (Alan Flores, lead designer at Neversoft, is asked questions about Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock)
- Your Favorite Band Sucks! (Issues plague the release of both Guitar Hero 3 and it's new rival, Rock band)
- NPD Sales Out of This... Galaxy (GI lists the NPD sales figures for the year 2007)
[*]Wii in 2008 (GI looks at the roster of games coming to the Wii in the upcoming year)
[*]Interview: Harold Ryan (Interview with the president of Bungie)
[*]Classic GI (A look at the games that ruled each generation)
Cover Story: Resistance 2 (PS3)(An extensive look at Insomniac's sequel to it's critically-acclaimed first-person shooter launch title Resistance: Fall of Man)
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Video Game (PS3, 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, DS, PC)(A look at the next game in the LEGO series, which will now tackle the artifact-seeking adventures of Indiana Jones)
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3, 360)
- Tomb Raider: Underworld (PS3, 360, PC)
- Civilization: Revolution (PS3, 360, DS)
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PS3, 360, PC)
- LEGO Batman (PS3, 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, DS, PC)
- Fracture (PS3, 360)
- Hot Shots Golf 5 (PS3)
- Assassin's Creed (DS)
- Sega Superstars Tennis (PS3, 360, Wii, PS2)
- Viking: Battle for Asgard (PS3, 360)
- Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
- Dark Messiah of Might & Magic: Elements (360)
- Mafia II (Next-Gen Consoles, PC)
- Sins of a Solar Empire (PC)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (PC)
- Command & Conquer: Kane's Wrath (360, PC)
- Patapon (PSP)
- Highlander (PS3, 360, PC)
- Street Fighter IV (TBA)
- Race Driver: Grid (PS3, 360, PC)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Burnout Paradise (PS3, 360)
- College Hoops 2K8 (PS3, 360)
- NCAA March Madness 08 (PS3, 360)
- The Golden Compass (PS3, 360, Wii)
- NFL Tour (PS3, 360)
PlayStation 3 Reviews:
- The Orange Box
- Unreal Tournament 3
Wii Reviews:
- Nights: Journey of Dreams
- Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
- Link's Crossbow Training
XBOX 360 Reviews:
- Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
- Soldier of Fortune: Payback
- Culdcept Saga
PSP Review:
- Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice
Nintendo DS Review:
- Mario Party DS
Quickie Reviews (Small, one-paragraph reviews):
- My Word Coach (DS)
- Star Trek Conquest (Wii, PS2)
- Cranium Kabookii (Wii)
- Super Swing Golf Season 2 (Wii)
- Draglade (DS)
- Left Brain, Right Brain (DS)
Secret Access (Cheat Codes and Strategies):
- Rock Band (PS3, 360, PS2)
- The Orange Box (360, PS3)
- Need for Speed ProStreet (PS3, 360, Wii, PS2)
- Uncharted:Drake's Fortune (PS3)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PS3, 360, Wii)
Retro Reviews:
- Friday the 13th (NES)
- Samba De Amigo (DC)
- Resident Evil Gaiden (GBC)
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