ISSUE: 227Content
Full cover:
- Letter From the Editor: The GI Community Rules (Andy McNamara discusses the features of the newly-redesigned website for the magazine)
- Feedback (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- Oscars of Video Games (Overview on the 15th annual Interactive Achievement Awards)
- Back to the Wasteland (Bethesda wins the rights to make a Fallout MMO from former Fallout publisher and developer Interplay)
- Impulse (A look at Thatgamecompany’s Journey)
- Expiration Date (Article that looks at whether modern games will remain playable in the future)
- Jumping off the Game Screen (A look at the new line of figures based on Transformers: Fall of Cybertron)
- A Toys Story (Article on how Activision took advantage of the toy industry to find huge success with its Skylanders video game)
- Grading the PlayStation Vita (Overview on the various features of Sony’s new handheld)
- Afterwords: Rayman Origins (Questions answered by Ubisoft creative director Michel Ancel)
- Top Ten: Surprise Snowboarding Levels
- Social Distortion (Breakdown on the various social game companies and their previous work)
- The Debate Over SOPA Rages On (Article on the outrage over the new Stop Piracy Online Act (SOPA) that has currently buried the proposed law)
- Holiday Spenders (Overview on the sales data from the 2011 holiday season)
- Procrastinating 2012 (Overview on the various game publishers and their currently announced lineups for the rest of the year)
- Gamer (Spotlight on Sam Bernstein, who finished a speed run of Skyrim at 2 hours, 16 minutes and 10 seconds)
- Massive (A look at Bethesda’s new Star Wars-themed MMO, The Old Republic)
- Interview: Meggan Scavio (Interview with Game Developers Conference (GDC) general manager)
- Classic GI (History of Alex Kidd)
Cover Story: The Last of Us (PS3)(Having found massive success with their previous Uncharted series, Naughty Dog now aims to best their previous efforts with a new game set in a post-apocalyptic world filled with fungus-infested undead)
Darksiders II (PS3, 360, Wii U, PC)(Having previously been placed in the shoes of War, one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the sequel will now give players control of his brother, Death)
- Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3, 360)
- Resident Evil 6 (PS3, 360)
- Silent Hill: Downpour (PS3, 360)
- Mass Effect 3 (PS3, 360, PC)
- I Am Alive (PS3, 360)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 (PS3, 360)
- Major League Baseball 2K12 (PS3, 360, Wii, PC)
- PlanetSide 2 (PC)
- Unit 13 (Vita)
- Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PS3, 360)
- Soulcalibur V (PS3, 360)
- The Darkness II (PS3, 360)
- NeverDead (PS3, 360)
- Amy (PS3, 360)
- All Zombies Must Die (PS3, 360)
PlayStation 3 Review:
- Jak and Daxter Collection*
PlayStation Vita Reviews:
- Army Corps of Hell
- Wipeout 2048
The Score (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Postal III (PC)
- Zen Pinball 3D (3DS)
- Pushmo (3DS)
- NFL Blitz (XBLA, PSN)
*Game is incorrectly listed as available for PS3 and XBOX 360, but is only available for the PS3
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