ISSUE: 24Content
- Letter From the Editor (Andy McNamara raves about Sony's PlayStation and the impact it's about to make on gaming worldwide)
- Dear GI (The letter column, filled with gripes about violence, requests for an envelope art area, and questions about Sega's hardware)
- Cover Story: Eternal Champions (SCD) rated, reviewed, and move-listed. Seven pages of all you need to know to wipe the floor with your enemies any time.
- What's Hot! (News & rumors from the video game industry)
- Play to Perfection (The GI crew delivers a full guide to X-Men 2: The Clone Wars (GEN).)
- Tech Talk (Racing wheels, new controllers, Game Boy accessories, and virtual reality)
- Game Genie Swap Shop (Game Genie codes for a variety of systems...mix & match!)
Genesis Reviews:
- Road Rash 3
- Toughman Contest
- Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
Super NES Reviews:
- Metal Warriors
- Kirby's Dream Course
- Kirby's Avalanche
- Brandish
- Ogre Battle
- Top Gear 3000
32X Preview:
- Knuckles Chaotix
32X Review:
- Golf Magazine Presents: 36 Great Holes
3DO Review:
- Immercenary
3DO Preview:
- Gex
Sega CD Reviews:
- Keio Flying Squadron
- Earthworm Jim Special Edition
Jaguar Preview:
- Ultra Vortek (shown here as 'Ultra Vortex')
Arcade Brigade:
- X-Men: Children of the Atom
PlayStation Preview:
- Battle Arena Toshinden (shown here as 'Toh Shin Den')
Saturn Preview:
- Clockwork Knight
Glance (quick previews of upcoming software):
- Troy Aikman Football (JAG)
- NBA Hangtime '95 (SCD)
- Motor Team Grand Prix (PS1)
- Theme Park (3DO)
- Metal Head (32X)
- Boogerman (SNES)
- Lords of Thunder (SCD)
- Quarantine (3DO)
- Double Dragon V (JAG)
- Super Columns (GG)
- Ecco Jr. (GEN)
- Mega Man 7 (SNES)
- Tempo (32X)
- Tekken (ARC)
- NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (GG)
Secret Access (Passwords, codes and helpful hints):
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo (3DO)
- Super Wing Commander (3DO)
- Android Assault (SCD)
- Killer Instinct (ARC)
- Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
- Pilotwings (SNES)
- Heart of the Alien (SCD)
- Mechwarrior (SNES)
- Ecco: Tides of Time (GEN)
- The Immortal (GEN)
- Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis (GEN)
- Battletech (GEN)
- Cosmic Carnage (32X)
- Ecco 2: Tides of Time (GG)
- Panic (SCD)
- SimCity (SNES)
- Arcus Odyssey (GEN)
- TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES)
- Doom (32X)
- King Arthur's World (SNES)
- Congo's Caper (SNES)
- Ristar (GEN)
- NBA Jam (SCD)
- Primal Rage (ARC)
Notable Stuff:
- GI's online as of this issue. On AOL, they're keyword GmeInfrmer and on CompuServe, they're 74431,1611. Easy to remember, right?
- Ross, the name of the game is Toughman Contest, not "Toughman Challenge". You're a reviewer and you can't even get the name of the game right? That scores a 1.5 / 10 in our book.
- Andy, Ross and Paul all compare Metal Warriors to Cybernator in their opening sentences. Favourably.
- Divided opinions on Ogre Battle, with scores of 6.25 (Rick), 8.75 (Paul), and 5 (Andy).
- Atari had exactly zero good one-on-one fighting games for the Jaguar, despite Ultra Vortek showing promise.
- You want a copy of Behind the Scenes at Sega, the book that details how Sega makes video games? Should have paid the $14.95 when it came out. It'll set you back nearly $50 today.
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