ISSUE: 257Content
Full covers 1-2:
- Letter From the Editor: Streaming Killed the Single-Player Star (Andy McNamara discusses the rise of streaming and what effects it might have on the single-player experience)
- Feedback (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- 20 Years of Neversoft (Interview with Joel Jewett, founder and president of Neversoft, and Scott Pease, studio director on the history of the studio)
- Big Plays, Bigger Payouts (Article on the currently growth of eSports)
- Changing the Rules of the Game (Article on net neutrality and how changes can affect the industry)
- Better Off Dead (A look at some franchises that were destroyed by their modern reboots)
- Objection! (An overview on the various court cases involving the industry)
- XCOM: The Board Game (A look at the new board-game based off of Firaxis hit XCOM reboot)
- The Best Mobile Games of 2014 (So Far) (GI’s picks for the best indie titles that have been released this year so far)
- The Mutating Meaning of “Indie” (Article on how the concept of indie games has evolved)
- Top Ten: Airships
- Afterwords: Shovel Knight (Questions answered by Sean Velasco and Nick Wozniak, developers on the successful Kickstarter game)
- Gamer (Spotlight on Mike Uyama and Andrew Schroeder, speedgamers who play to raise money for charity)
- Impusle (A look at downloadable titles The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Cuphead, Jamestown Plus, and Assault Android Cactus)
- Interview: Adam Boyes (Interview with the vice president of publisher and developer relations at Sony)
- Classic GI (A look at Pac-Man’s forays into other genres)
Cover Story: Assassin’s Creed Double Feature (This year sees the arrival of two new Assassin Creed games, one of which will be arriving on the current-gen consoles while the other will remain on the last-gen systems and each taking a vastly different approach. Assassin’s Creed Unity will follow a new assassin during the French Revolution, while Assassin’s Creed Rogue will follow a Templar during the Seven Years’ War)
- Destiny (PS4, PS3, One, 360)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition (PS4, PS3, One, 360, PC)
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PS3, 360, PC)
- Skylanders Trap Team (PS4, PS3, One, 360, Wii U, Wii, 3DS)
- Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
- Madden NFL 15 (PS4, PS3, One, 360)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (PS4, One)
- Soma (PS4, PC)
- Tales From The Borderlands (PS3, 360, PC, iOS)
- The Legend of Korra (PS4, PS3, One, 360, PC)
- Homeworld Remastered Collection (PC)
- Gauntlet (PC)
- ArcheAge (PC)
- World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (PC, Mac)
- Path of Exile: Forsaken Masters (PC)
- Strife (PC)
- Dawngate (PC)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Sniper Elite III (PS4, PC)
- Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (PS4, PS3, One, 360, Wii U, PC)
- Magic 2015 – Duels of the Planewalkers (One, 360, PC, iOS, Android)
- Divinity: Original Sin (PC, Mac)
PlayStation 3 Review:
- Tales of Xillia 2
PC Review:
- Wayward Manor
The Score (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (One)
- Dark Souls II: The Crown of the Sunken King (PS3, 360, PC)
- The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 – Cry Wolf (PS3, 360, PC)
- Lifeless Planet (PC)
- Tuffy the Corgi and the Tower of Bones (Vita)
Collector Note: This issue has two cover variants, one for Assassin's Creed Unity and one for Assassin's Creed Rogue.
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