ISSUE: 259Content
Full cover:
- Letter From the Editor: Kickstart My Heart (Andy McNamara discusses his feelings on crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarted and Patreon.)
- Feedback (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- Tokyo Game Show 2014 (GI's report on all the news and announcements out of this years TGS)
- Top Ten: Whips
- Virtual Progress (Article on info coming out of the first Oculus Connect event in LA)
- Gamer (Spotlight on Tom "Syndicate" Cassell, the first person to reach 1 million followers on Twitch)
- MOBA Evolved (A look at the slew of upcoming MOBA's and some of the new ideas they are attempting to push)
- The Beginner's Guide to Building A PC (A short guide on the fundamentals of building a custom PC from the ground-up, with impute from Jeremy Vaughan, editor at
- Afterwords (Interview with Kevin Bruner on Telltale's The walking Dead: Season Two)
- Impulse (A look at the indie titles shown off at PAX Prime)
- Interview: Anita Sarkeesian (Interview with the creator of the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games videos)
- Classic GI (Interview with Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase on the development and legacy of Final Fantasy VI)
Cover Story: Resident Evil Revelations 2 (PS4, One, PS3, 360, PC)(Starting out as a portable spin-off title for the 3DS, the original Revelations found success once ported to consoles and now Capcom, after finding only failure with the last entry in the series, RE 6, instead now puts it's focus on a sequel to the spin-off featuring Claire Redfield)
Without A Net (A look at a new team of indie developers who, after having found success working on games such as the massive hit BioShock, now turn their skills towards their next new title, The Flame in the Flood)
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4, PS3, One, 360)
- Battleborn (PS4, One, PC)
- Dying Light (PS4, PS3, One, 360, PC)
- Never Alone (PS4, One, PC)
- The Crew (PS4, One, PC)
- NBA 2K15 (PS4, One, PC)
- Tearaway Unfolded (PS4)
- Tales of Zestiria (PS3)
- Final Fantasy XV (PS4, One)
- Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (PS4, One)
- Dreadnought (PC)
- Tales of Hearts R (Vita)
- Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS)
- Bravely Second (3DS)
- Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (PS4, PS3, One, 360)
- Hand of Fate (PS4, One, PC)
- Toy Soldiers: War Chest (PS4, One, PC)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4, One, PC)
- Alien: Isolation (PS4, PS3, One, 360, PC)
- FIFA 15 (PS4, PS3, One, 360, PC)
- NHL 15 (PS4, One)
- Destiny (PS4, PS3, One, 360)
- Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (PS4, One, Wii U, PS3, 360)
- Forza Horizon 2 (One, 360)
PC Reviews:
- Wasteland 2
- The Sims 4
Wii U Reviews:
- Bayonetta 2
- Hyrule Warriors
Nintendo 3DS Review:
- Super Smash Bros.
The Score (Small, one-paragraph reviews):
- Azure Striker Gunvolt (3DS)
- Fenix Rage (PC)
- D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die (One)
- Dance Central: Spotlight (One)
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