ISSUE: 84Content
- Cover Story: Syphon Filter 2 - 989 may have been given a proverbial head shot by Sony, but its legacy will forever live on through a leaden-tongued secret operative by the name of Gabriel Logan. Strap on that flak jacket, soldier, because Game Informer is about to shoot all the details on Syphon Filter 2 straight at you.
- PlayStation 2000 Festival - Everybody loves a party, but no celebration had us hyped like the PlayStation 2000 Festival. Sony opened up its flood gates and caused a PlayStation 2 tsunami in Tokyo. Game Informer was there to drink it all up, and naturally, we share the PS-2 experience with our readers.
- Game Infarcer - Our lawyers recommend we not discuss the contents of these pages. In fact, they suggest we not take credit for them at all. So obviously, we don't know what's here because we didn't write it. You probably shouldn't read it, but we wouldn't know since we've never seen it before in our life. Honest.
- Letter From the Editor: Dreamcast is Looking Good....
- Dear Game Informer: GI readers show us theri stuff, and they occasionally write us letters too.
- Envelope Art: You can't win if you don't enter GI's Monthly Envelope Art Contest.
- GI News: SquareSoft announces three (!) new Final Fantasys, 989 is no more, Tony Hawk transforms into BMX legend Mat Hoffman, and a barrel full of monkeys with Name That Game!, Trivia, and GI's Top Ten.
Photophile: We love anything mini: miniature golf, minidiscs, and especially super mini previews of the hottest upcoming games. This month features:
- Banjo-Tooie
- Nightmare Creatures II
- The Legend of Zelda: Mask of Mujula (published as The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Excitebike 64
- Kirby 64
- Star Trek: Invasion
- Wild Arms 2
- Sim Theme Park
- Vanishing Point
- Speed Punks
- Resident Evil: Survivor
- Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
- Grind Session
- Koudelka
- Street Fighter EX 2 Plus
- Street Fighter EX 3
- Halo
- Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
- Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage
- Grandia II
- Fur Fighters
- Dream Roadster
- Sorcerian: Disciples of the Seven Star Magic
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
- MDK 2
- Sega GT: Homologation Special
Game Informer PC: The PC Jedi stinks, but the fictional beings he controls are mountain spring fresh. Find out why the wise one's personal hygiene went down the toilet as he reviews The Sims and Asheron's Call.
- The Sims (9/10)
- Battlezone II (8.5/10)
- 1602 A.D. (7.75/10)
- Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion (4.75/10)
- Asheron's Call (8.75/10)
Arcade Brigade: Recently acquitted of his murder one charge, The Original Gamer roamed to an arcade near you and played Spawn: In the Demon's Hand and Cruis'n Exotica. Just be glad you didn't look at him funny.
- Cruis'n Exotica (6.5/10)
- Spawn: In the Demon's Hand (7.75/10)
- Play To Perfection: We pleasure you not once, but twice. First, we get you all hot and bothered with our rapid-fire Syphon Filter 2 walkthrough. Then we back off for a little bit and play like it's over. Then BAM! We get your gonads off with a complete Resident Evil Code: Veronica strategy guide. Face it, we're just too much magazine for you.
Secret Access: What's that pesky GI Droid up to? Find out, then peruse the latest codes and tips from our readers.
Nintendo 64:
- Monster Truck Madness
- Mario Party 2
- Rainbow Six
- ECW: Hardcore Revolution
- Resident Evil 2
- Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
- Marvel vs. Capcom
- Alexi Lalas International Soccer
- No Fear Downhill Mountain Bike Racing
- Pac-Man World
- Thrasher: Skate & Destroy
- ECW: Hardcore Revolution
- FIFA 2000: Major League Soccer
- Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
- Rainbow Six
- Cyber Tiger
- WWF Smackdown!
- The Smurfs
- Wu-Tang Shaolin Style
- Crash Team Racing
- March Madness 2000
Game Boy Color:
- Worms Armageddon
- Armorines
- Grand Theft Auto
Neo Geo Pocket Color:
- Sonic Pocket Adventures
- Fighting Force 2
- Armada
- Zombie Revenge
- Re-Volt
- NHL 2K
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
- Tee Off
- ECW: Hardcore Revolution
- Test Drive 6
- Dynamite Cop
- Soul Fighter
- Worms Armageddon
- Crazy Taxi
Nintendo 64:
Classic GI: We open the vault door to let our valuables breathe. Come take a whiff of four classics on SNES, NES, and Genesis.
- Streets of Rage (GEN): 8.75/10
- Shadowrun (SNES): 9/10
- Super Return of the Jedi (SNES): 9/10
- Rush'n Attack (NES): 8.5/10
- etc: We got stuff. Yes we do. We got stuff. How 'bout you? We run the gamut this month, packing in music, toys, accessories, and a little long and hard creamy thing we have in our hands all the time.
Reviews & Previews:
- Syphon Filter 2 (9/10)
- Perfect Dark (preview)
- WWF Smackdown! (9/10)
- Colony Wars: Red Sun (8.25/10)
- Armored Core: Master of Arena (7.5/10)
- Front Mission 3 (9/10)
- Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles (preview)
- Tenchu 2: Birth of the Assassins (preview)
- Vagrant Story (preview)
- The Legend of Dragoon (preview)
- MediEvil II (preview)
- Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed (preview)
- Sega Sports NHL 2K (8.25/10)
- Resident Evil Code: Veronica (9.5/10)
- Rayman 2: The Great Escape (8/10)
- Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage (8/10)
Dead or Alive 2 (9/10)
At a Glance:
Nintendo 64:
- Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (5/10)
- South Park Rally (4.5/10)
- International Track & Field 2000 (7/10)
- Hydro Thunder (7.75/10)
- Battle Tanks II: Global Assault (7/10)
- Railroad Tycoon II (7.5/10)
- Jojo's Venture (8/10)
- Deceptiion III: Dark Delusion (6.25/10)
- Rollcage: Stage II (7.25/10)
- Tee Off (6.25/10)
- Carrier (6.75/10)
- Chu Chu Rocket (8.75/10)
Game Boy Color:
- Blaster Master: Enemy Below (8.25/10)
Neo Geo Pocket Color:
- Magical Drop Pocket (7/10)
- Gals Fighters (7.75/10)
Ads (in order of appearance):
- Hot Shots Golf 2
- Syphon Filter 2
- Tomba 2
- Vanguard Bandits
- Street Fighter Alpha 3
- Game Informer subscription cards
- Player's Edge system and cartridge cleaning kits
- FuncoLand
- Plasma Sword
Interesting Stuff:
- Bound between pages 24 and 25 of the magazine is a special insert detailing the release dates for games slated to appear in March, April, and May of 2000. On the back is a "Review Archive", showing titles, review dates, and review scores for games appearing in the previous year of GI. PlayStation, N64, Dreamcast, Game Boy, and Neo Geo Pocket Color are all covered.
- Unsurprisingly, the game the bulk of GI readers are most anticipating is Final Fantasy IX.
- Halo and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee are listed as PlayStation 2 titles in the Photo Phile section. This was written prior to Bungie's acquisition by Microsoft, but still crazy to think about what might have been if Halo was a PS2 exclusive instead of an XBOX exclusive.
- The "long, hard creamy thing" referred to in the 'etc' column is a 7-pack of Milky Gel Rollers ink pens.
- Rush'n Attack was a fairly average port of a fairly average Konami arcade game even back when it was released in 1987. Giving it a rating of 8.5/10 thirteen years later seems overly generous, even if the game is being rated on its merits then as opposed to now.
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