ISSUE: 36Content
Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Game Boy
(Table of Content (TOC) and headline excerpts follow. Bullet lists and (notes) added for clarity.)
Editor's Notes (approx. 1/4th page; editorial by Leslie Mizell; Summer CES; includes June and July issue corrections)
Mailbag (2 pages; reader mail; games discussed:)
- Mega Man 4 (NES)
- Dragon Warrior II (NES)
- Crystalis (NES)
- Final Fantasy II (SNES)
- Double Dragon II (GB)
- Shadowgate (NES)
- The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (NES)
- Tiny Toon Adventures (GB)
- Super Slapshot (SNES)
- NHLPA Hockey '93 (SNES)
- Hit The Ice (SNES,GB)
Super CES for Nintendo (eight pages of coverage sorted by company; includes short Sega CD (hardware shown) and TurboDuo sidebars)
Half Man, Half Machine - All Action (SNES Robocop 3 strategy guide; five pages)
Ferrari Grand Prix: High-Class Racing (NES; three page strategy guide)
Beach Blanket Bimbo (NES Thrilla's Surfari; three page strategy guide)
The Jewels in the Crown (NES Gemfire; five page strategy guide)
Second Star to the Right - It's Hook (SNES Hook; six page strategy guide)
For Him the Bell Tolls (GB Super Hunchback; two page strategy guide)
Zelda's Flea Market (SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past; four pages of tips)
Something Ooky Is Going On! (SNES The Addams Family; five page strategy guide)
Smart Ball Rolls Over Competition (SNES Smart Ball; three page strategy guide)
Reviews (1 page reviews, each with 10-scale score)
- Ninja Taro (GB)
- Kablooey (SNES)
- Baseball Stars II (NES)
- Spy vs. Spy: Operation Booby Trap (GB)
- Nail 'n Scale (GB)
- NCAA Basketball (SNES)
- Radical Psycho Machine Racing (SNES)
- Fighting Simulator (GB)
- Magic Sword (SNES)
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