ISSUE: 5Content
Nintendo Game Boy
(Table of Content (TOC) and headline excerpts follow. Bullet lists and (notes) added for clarity. Games for GB.)
EDITOR'S NOTES (approx. 1/4 page; editorial by Phill Powell; issue synopsis)
MAILBAG (two pages; reader mail; tips, hints and strategies; games covered, none shown:)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
- Gargoyle's Quest
- Nemesis
- Super Marioland
- Batman
- Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
- Final Fantasy Legend
Our readers' favorite Game Boy hits - and what they'd like to see. (six pages; 'Center Screen - Readers sound off!;' subscriber profiles with photo)
1990 Game Player's Game Boy Awards
The votes are in. Our editors pick the hottest games of the year. (two pages; all games discussed and shown)
- Game Boy Game of the Year - DuckTales (Capcom)
- Best Arcade Action Game - Double Dragon (Tradewest)
- Best Fantasy Role-Playing Game - Final Fantasy Legend (Square Soft)
- Best Graphics Adventure - Gargoyle's Quest (Capcom)
- Best Puzzle Game - Quarth (Ultra)
- Best Sports Game - NFL Football (Konami)
- Best Strategy Game - Mercenary Force (Meldac)
Want to speak French? Find a good restaurant in New York? Let your Game Boy do the work. (two pages; 'Putting The Game Boy To Work'; series box art shown)
SUPER STRATEGY (each a five page game overview with tips and screenshots)
- Gremlins 2: The New Batch (mistakenly referred to as 'Next Batch' in TOC)
- The Hunt For Red October
- Mickey's Dangerous Chase
- Ninja Boy
- Operation C
- Sword of Hope
REVIEWS (one page each; game overview with tips and screenshots)
- Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge
- The Chessmaster
- Days of Thunder
- Go! Go! Tank
- Hatris
- Kung Fu Master
- Mega Man: Dr. Wiley's Revenge
- Mousetrap Hotel
- Nobunaga's Ambition
- Pac-Man
- The Rescue of Princess Blobette
- Robocop
- R-Type
- Serpent
- Side Pocket
- Skate or Die: Tour De Thrash
- Super Scrabble
- WWF Superstars
The latest Game Boy news and products. (three pages)
Game Boy Games Galore (upcoming game commentary; titles mentioned, not shown unless noted:)
- Rolan's Curse
- Spud's Adventure
- Face Ball 2000 (shown)
- Altered Space
- Burgertime Deluxe
- Ultima: The Runes of Virtue
- Tom & Jerry
- Triumph
- Atomic Punk
- Beetlejuice
- F-1 Race
- Radar Mission
- Super R.C. Pro-Am
- Fastest Lap
- Power Mission
- Darkman
- Navy Seals
- Mr. Do
- World Bowling
- Torpedo Range
- Battle Bull
- Fish Dude
- Final Fantasy Legend II
- Power Racer
- Solomon's Club
- Pump Up the Volume (Nuby's Game Boy Amplifier speaker add-on accessory; shown)
- Improvement in Sight (Sunsoft's View Boy magnifier add-on accessory; not shown)
Directory (one page; company contact information)
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