ISSUE: 106Content
Head to Head
Buyer's Beware
NetPro: Web Sites for Gamers
Kill or be Killed!: Strategy Guide for Quake
6th Annual GamePro Reader's Choice Awards
Overseas Prospects: Tokyo Game Show '97
E3 Unleashed:
Nintendo 64 Titles: Duke Nukem 3D (released as Duke Nukem 64), San Francisco Rush, Mace: The Dark Age, FreakBoy (never released), Mission: Impossible, WCW vs. NWO World Tour, Extreme G, Clay Fighter 63 1/3, GoldenEye 007, Kirby's Air Ride (never released, but would appear on the GameCube as Kirby Air Ride)
PlayStation Titles: GEX: Enter the Gecko, Resident Evil 2, Fighting Force, Apocalypse, WarCraft II: The Dark Saga, Marvel Super Heroes, Steel Reign, Tomb Raider 2, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Croc, Nuclear Strike, DarkStalkers: Jedah's Damnation, Return Fire II, Super Street Fighter II Collection, Deathtrap Dungeon, Grand Tour Racing '98, Blasto, Crash Bandicoot 2, Wild 9's, G Police, Colony Wars, Metal Gear Solid, Critical Depth, Poy Poy
Saturn Titles: Sonic Jam, Sky Target, Last Bronx, Saturn Bomberman, Enemy Zero
PC Titles: Dark Reign: The Future of War, WarCraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans, MechWarrior III
Sports Titles: Major League Baseball '98 (PlayStation), NFL Quarterback Club '98 (Nintendo 64), NCAA Football '98 (PlayStation), Bottom of the 9th '97 (PlayStation), F1 Pole Position 64 (Nintendo 64), VR Hockey (PlayStation), NBA Action '98 (Saturn), Formula 1 '97 (PlayStation), Manx TT (Saturn), Worldwide Soccer '98 (Saturn)
Role Playing games: Shining the Holy Ark (Saturn), Ogre Battle: The March for the Black Queen (PlayStation), Breath of Fire III (PlayStation)
16-bit Titles: The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Genesis), Brunswick World Tournament of Champions (Super NES), Disney's Timon and Pumbaa's Jungle Games
GamePro Labs: GameShark (Nintendo 64), Nyko Biogrip, ASCII Sphere 360 (PlayStation), ASCII Grip (PlayStation), ASCII Arcade Stick (PlayStation), The Glove (PlayStation, Saturn, Nintendo 64)
PC GamePro:
Meat Puppet
Nintendo 64 Pro Reviews:
StarFox 64
Dark Rift
PlayStation Pro Reviews:
Broken Helix
Dynasty Warriors
Xevious 3D/G
BRAHMA Force: Assault on Beltlogger 9
Norse by Norsewest: The Return of the Lost Vikings
Ball Blazer Champions
Rush Hour
Saturn Pro Reviews:
Fighters Megamix
MechWarrior 2
Super NES Pro Review:
The Lost Vikings II
Role Player's Realm:
Wild Arms (PlayStation)
Tail of the Sun (PlayStation)
The Fighter's Edge: Game-Winning Combos & Strategies for Street Fighter III: New Generation (Arcade)
Mega Man 8 (PlayStation) ProStrategy Guide
SWAT Bonus Section: Revelations: Persona (PlayStation)
S.W.A.T Pro:
Nanotek Warrior (PlayStation)
Doom 64 (Nintendo 64)
Soviet Strike (Saturn, PlayStation)
The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga (PlayStation)
Need for Speed II (PlayStation)
The Crow: City of Angels (PlayStation)
Mr. Bones (Saturn)
NBA Jam Extreme (PlayStation, Saturn)
Mega Man 8: Anniversary Collector's Edition (Saturn)
NBA Live '97 (PlayStation)
Amok (Saturn)
MechWarrior 2 (PlayStation)
Independence Day (PlayStation)
Bubsy 3D (PlayStation)
TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4X4 (PlayStation)
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