ISSUE: 107Content
Head to Head
Buyer's Beware
NetPro: NetLink: The Saturn Saviour?
The Cutting Edge: Internet Gaming for the Rest of Us
Mortal Kombat Cover Feature: The Mortal Kombat Konversation
Overseas Prospects: Yuke Yuke!! Troublemakers (Nintendo 64, released in NA as Mischief Makers)
Sneak Previews:
Resident Evil (Saturn)
Quake (Saturn)
Ace Combat 2 (PlayStation)
Top Gear Rally (Nintendo 64)
Fighting Force (PlayStation)
Apocalypse (PlayStation)
One (PlayStation)
Croc (PlayStation)
Time Crisis (PlayStation)
Warcraft II: The Dark Saga (PlayStation, Saturn)
Clock Tower (PlayStation)
Felony 11-79 (PlayStation)
Lamborghini 64 (Nintendo 64, released as Automobili Lamborghini)
Test Drive 4: The Challenge (PlayStation, Win 95)
Tomb Raider (PlayStation)
Overboard (PlayStation, released in NA as Shipwreckers!)
Armored Core (PlayStation)
Courier Crisis (PlayStation)
Sonic Jam (Saturn)
Clayfighter Extreme (PlayStation, never released)
Jersey Devil (PlayStation)
Shadow Master (PlayStation)
TNN MotorSports Hardcore 2 (PlayStation, released as TNN Motor Sports Hardcore TR)
PC GamePro:
Extreme Assault
Star Trek Generations
Quake 2
Shadow Warrior
Total Annihilation
Heavy Gear
Extreme Tactics
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain
Dark Earth
PlayStation Pro Reviews:
Poy Poy
Lethal Enforcers I & II
Namco Museum Vol. 4
Saturn Pro Review:
Sports Pages:
International SuperStar Soccer 64 (Nintendo 64)
All-Star Baseball '97 Featuring Frank Thomas (PlayStation, Saturn)
Sports Insider Previews: NFL GameDay '98 (PlayStation), NHL Face Off '98 (PlayStation), CART World Series (PlayStation), NCAA Football '98 (PlayStation), World Series Baseball '98 (Saturn), NHL Powerplay '98 (PlayStation), Cool Boarders 2 (PlayStation), F1 Pole Position 64 (Nintendo 64), Major League Soccer (PlayStation, Win 95)
Role Player's Realm:
Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)
Samurai Shodown RPG (PlayStation, Saturn, Neo Geo CD)
Shining the Holy Ark (Saturn)
The Fighter's Edge: Game-Winning Combos & Strategies for Tekken 3 (Arcade)
SWAT Bonus Section: Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo 64) Power-ups
S.W.A.T Pro:
Need for Speed II (PlayStation)
War Gods (Nintendo 64)
Norse by Norsewest: The Return of the Lost Vikings (PlayStation)
Triple Play '98 (PlayStation)
VR Baseball '97 (PlayStation)
Ballblazer Champions (PlayStation)
Spider (PlayStation)
Iron Man/X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (PlayStation)
Command & Conquer (PlayStation)
Test Drive Off-Road (PlayStation)
TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4X4 (PlayStation)
Rage Racer (PlayStation)
Perfect Weapon (PlayStation)
NBA Shootout '97 (PlayStation)
The Lost Vikings II (Super NES)
Alien Trilogy (Saturn)
Independence Day (PlayStation)
Doom (Saturn)
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