ISSUE: 180Content
Head to Head
Buyer's Beware
The Cutting Edge: Here Comes The Sun
NetPro: Why Pay to Play?
Hot at the Arcades: SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom
Cover Feature: Union of the Snake - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GameCube), Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
Special Feature: Lucky XIII - XIII (PS2, Xbox, GameCube, PC)
Special Feature: War Games - Full Spectrum Warrior (Xbox)
Secrets Lies: Gaming Greatest Urban Legends
PC GamePro ProReviews/Previews:
Star Wars Galaxies
Guild Wars
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Homeworld 2
Unreal Tournament 2004
Far Cry
Game Boy Advance Previews:
Mario & Luigi
Fire Emblem
Metroid: Zero Mission
Mario & Donkey Kong
CIMA: The Enemy
Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue
DemiKids: White of Night/Darkness of Day
Sneak Previews:
Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (PS2)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Xbox)
Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home (PS2, Xbox)
Beyond Good & Evil (PS2)
Sphinx and the Shadow of Set (PS2)
Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox)
Lethal Skies II (PS2)
Battlestar Galactica (Xbox)
SWAT: Global Strike Team (Xbox)
Men of Valor: Vietnam (Xbox)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Cy Girls (PS2)
kill.switch (PS2, Xbox)
Star Trek: Shattered Universe (PS2, Xbox)
Jak II (PS2)
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Need for Speed Underground (PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy Advance)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Time Crisis 3 (PS2)
Viewtiful Joe (GameCube)
Advent Rising (Xbox)
Vultures (Xbox)
Sonic Heroes (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown (PS2)
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (GameCube)
Maximo and the Army of Zin (PS2)
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds (Xbox)
Rogue Ops (Xbox, GameCube)
R: Racing Evolution (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
The Hobbit (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
PlayStation 2 Pro Reviews:
Silent Hill 3
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Downhill Domination
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward
Freestyle Metal X
RTX Red Rock
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Freaky Flyers
Xbox Pro Reviews:
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
Freaky Flyers
Brute Force
Midtown Madness 3
Group S Challenge
Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction
The Italian Job
SX Superstar
Sports Pages:
Madden NFL 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
ESPN NFL Football (PS2, Xbox)
Previews: NFL Blitz Pro (PS2), NBA Shootout 2004 (PlayStation, PS2), NASCAR Thunder 2004 (PS2, Xbox), NCAA GameBreaker 2004 (PS2), NFL Fever 2004 (Xbox), NHL 2004 (PS2, Xbox), ESPN NHL Hockey (Xbox), Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube), FIFA Soccer 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube), NHL Hitz Pro (PS2)
Role-Player's Realm:
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (PS2)
.hack Part 3: Outbreak (PS2)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Xbox)
Rent A Hero No. 1 (Xbox)
Previews: Champions of Norrath (PS2), Sudeki (Xbox), Gladius (Xbox, GameCube), Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII (PS2), RPG Maker 2 (PS2)
Ape Escape 2 (PS2) Pro Strategy Guide
Code Vault:
Enter the Matrix (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray (PS2, Xbox)
Hulk (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Cubix: Robots for Everyone Showdown (GameCube)
Shox (PS2)
Midnight Club II (Xbox)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon (PS2)
GT Advance 3: Pro Concept Racing (Game Boy Advance)
Rallisport Challenge (Xbox)
X2: Wolverine's Revenge (game Boy Advance)
Donkey Kong County (Game Boy Advance)
Apex (Xbox)
V-Rally 3 (PS2)
Cruis'n Velocity (Game Boy Advance)
Nickelodeon Party Blast (GameCube)
Conflict Mission (PS2)
BMX XXX (PS2, Xbox)
He-Man: The Power of Greyskull (Game Boy Advance)
Monster Force (Game Boy Advance)
Smuggler's Run: War Zones (GameCube)
Pro Race Driver (Xbox)
Spyro: Season of Flame (Game Boy Advance)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Game Cube)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Game Boy Advance)
SSX Tricky (GameCube)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Xbox)
The Sims (GameCube)
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