ISSUE: 184Content
Head to Head
Buyer's Beware
Hot at the Arcades: Space Invaders: 25th Silver Anniversary
Cover Feature: Love and Payne - Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Feature: Knights of the People's Republic - Jade Empire (Xbox)
Feature: Dante's New Inferno - Devil May Cry Comic
Sneak Previews:
Sonic Heroes (GameCube)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Onimusha Blade Warriors (PS2)
Breakdown (Xbox)
Drift Racer: Kaido Battle (PS2)
Cold Winter (PS2)
Mafia (PS2)
Rallisport Challenge 2 (Xbox)
The Suffering (Xbox)
Alias (PS2, Xbox)
First Strike: Grant City Anti-Crime (PS2, Xbox)
XIII (PS2, Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Tony Hawk's Underground (PS2, Xbox)
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
True Crime: Streets of L.A. (PS2)
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Xbox)
The King of Fighters 2001 and 2000 (PS2)
Dynasty Warriors 4: Extreme Legends (PS2)
Monster Rancher 4 (PS2)
The Sims: Bustin' Out (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Whiplash (PS2, Xbox)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 (PS2)
Beyond Good & Evil (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox)
R: Racing Evolution (Xbox)
Armed and Dangerous (Xbox)
Mario Party 5 (GameCube)
Kirby Air Ride (GameCube)
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox)
Crash Nitro Kart (PS2, Xbox)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox)
Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds (Xbox)
Sega GT Online (Xbox)
Kya: Dark Lineage (PS2)
WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain (PS2)
Dance Dance Revolution UltraMix (Xbox)
PC GamePro Review:
Call of Duty
PC GamePro Previews:
Lords of EverQuest
Ultima X: Odyssey
Games to Go Previews:
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Game Boy Advance)
River City Ransom Ex (Game Boy Advance)
Games to Go Reviews:
Fire Emblem (Game Boy Advance)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Game Boy Advance)
Shining Soul II (Game Boy Advance)
Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu (Game Boy Advance)
The Sims: Bustin' Out (Game Boy Advance)
Prince of Persia: The sands of Time (Game Boy Advance)
Sports Pages:
NCAA March Madness 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
NBA Inside Drive 2004 (Xbox)
NHL Rivals 2004 (Xbox)
ESPN College Basketball 2K4 (Xbox)
Previews: NFL Street (PS2),
Role-Player's Realm:
Arx Fatalis (Xbox)
.hack Part 4: Quarantine (PS2)
Previews: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2), Suikoden IV (PS2), Growlancer: Generations (PS2)
Winning Prostrategy: Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
Code Vault:
Freedom Fighters (Xbox)
The Incredible Hulk (Game Boy Advance)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
NCAA Gamebreaker 2004 (PS2)
NFL Gameday 2004 (PS2)
NHL 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home (PS2)
Frogger's Adventure 2: The Lost wand (Game Boy Advance)
Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition (Game Boy Advance)
Halo (Xbox)
The Simpsons Hit & Run (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
XGRA: Extreme G Racing Association (PS2)
Devil May Cry 2 (PS2)
NASCAR Thunder 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (Xbox)
Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad (PS2, Xbox)
Disney Sports Skateboarding (Game Boy Advance)
Speed Kings (Xbox)
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure (PS2, Xbox)
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