ISSUE: 192Content
Head to Head
Buyer's Beware
Cover Feature: The Naked Prey - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
What's Eating Solid Snake
Feature: Men of Valor (Xbox)
Sneak Previews:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)
The Legend of Zelda (GameCube)
Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2)
Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2, Xbox)
Resident Evil 4 (GameCube)
Prince of Persia 2 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Pikman 2 (GameCube)
Def Jam Fight for NY (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)
Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood (PS2, Xbox)
Viewtiful Joe (PS2)
Tony Hawk's Underground 2: World Destruction Tour (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Dead Rush (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Snowblind (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Conker: Live and Reloaded (Xbox)
Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf (Xbox)
Rumble Roses (PS2)
Donkey Konga (GameCube)
Astro Boy (PS2)
WWE Wrestlemania: Day of Reckoning (GameCube)
Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2)
Sega Super Stars (PS2)
The Incredibles (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Gradius V (PS2)
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires (PS2)
Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space (Xbox)
25 to Life (PS2, Xbox)
Phantom Crash 2050 (PS2)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition (PS2, Xbox)
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (PS2)
Under the Skin (PS2)
Capcom Fighting Jam (PS2, Xbox)
King Arthur (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
BC (Xbox)
Headhunter: Redemption (PS2, Xbox)
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction (PS2)
The Red Star (PS2, Xbox)
Advance Wars: Under Fire (GameCube)
TimeSplitters: Future Imperfect (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
Pariah (PS2, Xbox)
Armored Core: Nexus (PS2)
Spy Fiction (PS2)
Street Racing Syndicate (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
ATV Offroad Fury 3 (PS2)
Geist (GameCube)
SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos (Xbox)
Spider-Man 2 (PS2, Xbox)
Driv3r (PS2, Xbox)
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (Xbox)
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury (Xbox)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (PS2, Xbox)
Crimson Tears (PS2)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow (Xbox)
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling (PS2, Xbox)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (PS2)
Malice (Xbox)
Karaoke Revolution Volume 2 (PS2)
Ghosthunter (PS2)
Amazing Island (GameCube)
Puyo Pop Fever (GameCube)
PC GamePro Previews:
Dungeon Siege II
Tabula Rasa
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Rome: Total War
Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
PC GamePro Review:
Ground Control II: Operation Exodus
Games to Go Reviews:
Spider-Man 2 (Game Boy Advance)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor (Game Boy Advance)
Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda (Game Boy Advance)
Classic NES Series: Bomberman (Game Boy Advance)
Classic NES Series: Excitebike (Game Boy Advance)
Classic NES Series: Ice Climber (Game Boy Advance)
Games to Go Previews:
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance)
Teenage Ninja Turtles 2 (Game Boy Advance)
Mega Man Zero 3 (Game Boy Advance)
Banjo Pilot (Game Boy Advance)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (Game Boy Advance)
Sports Pages:
Madden NFL 2005 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
ESPN NFL 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
Athens 2004 (PS2)
Previews: FIFA Soccer 2005 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube), NBA Live 2005 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube), ESPN NBA 2K5 (PS2, Xbox), Hot Shot Golf Fore! (PS2), NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup (PS2, Xbox)
Role-Player's Realm:
Previews: Final Fantasy XII (PS2), Mega Man X: Command Mission (PS2), Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia (PS2), Paper Mario 2 (GameCube), Fire Emblem (GameCube), Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PS2), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (PS2), Wild Arms: Alter Code F (PS2), Phantom Brave (PS2)
Star Ocean: To The End of Time (PS2)
Code Vault:
Full Spectrum Warrior (Xbox)
World Tour Soccer 2005 (PS2)
MVP Baseball (PS2)
NBA Ballers (Xbox, PS2)
Fight Night 2004 (Xbox)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 (PS2)
ESPN NHL Hockey (Xbox)
Hitman: Contracts (Xbox)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII (PS2)
NHL 2K3 (PS2)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (GameCube)
MX Unleashed (Xbox)
James Bond 007: Nightfire (Xbox)
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