ISSUE: 20Content
Cutting Edge - Super Famicom Software
Hot at the Arcades: R360, Race Drivin'
Proclassics: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
Special Feature: Comic Book Heroes & Cartoon Stars
Dick Tracy (Genesis)
Silver Surfer (NES)
The Punisher (NES)
Yo! Noid (NES)
Mickey's Dangerous Chase (Game Boy)
Talespin (Turbografx-16)
Nintendo Proviews:
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter
Metal Mech
North and South
Gauntlet II
Genesis Proviews:
Shadow Dancer
Sword of Sodan
Master System Proview:
TurboGrafx-16 Proviews:
Tricky Kick
Game Boy Proviews
The Rescue of Princess Blobette
Operation C
Atari 7800 Proview
Fatal Run
Burai Fighter Deluxe (Game Boy)
Sword of Vermilion (Genesis)
Double Dragon II (NES)
Total Recall (NES)
Lock N' Chase (Game Boy)
Dick Tracy (NES)
Tombs and Treasures (NES)
Castlevania III (NES)
Mega Man II (NES)
Gremlins 2 (NES)
Buster Douglas Boxing (Genesis)
Super Hang-On (Genesis)
Mondu's Fight Palace (Genesis)
Low 'G' Man (NES)
Back to the Future II & III (NES)
Mercenary Force (Game Boy)
Hyper Lode Runner (Game Boy)
Devil's Crush (Turbografx-16)
Skate or Die 2 (NES)
Side Arms (Turbografx-16)
Bravoman (Turbografx-16)
Mission: Impossible (NES)
Boulderdash (NES)
Neutopia (Turbografx-16)
Gilligan's Island (NES)
Strider (Genesis)
Moonwalker (Genesis)
TV Sports Football (Turbografx-16)
Ask The Pros
Crystalis (NES)
Phantasy Star (Master System)
Short Proshots
Sword Master (NES)
MetalStorm (NES)
Klash Ball (NES)
Battle Squadron (Genesis)
Stormlord (Genesis)
Insector X (Genesis)
Maru's Mission (Game Boy)
Double Dribble (Game Boy)
Fish Dude (Game Boy)
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