ISSUE: 40Content
The Mail
Cutting Edge: Legend Quest
Hot at the Arcades: Mortal Kombat
Special Feature: Fantasy & R.P.G. Previews:
Cadash (Genesis)
Daemonsgate (Lynx, never released)
Defenders of Oasys (Game Gear)
Dominus (Super NES)
Dracula (Lynx)
Dragon Slayer (Turbo Super CD)
Dungeon Master (Super NES)
Eye of the Beholder (Super NES, Genesis, Lynx, Lynx version never released)
Fables & Fiends: The Legend of Kyrandia (Super NES, never released)
The Guardians: Storm over Doria (Lynx, never released)
Hook (Genesis, Sega CD, Game Gear)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Genesis, Game Gear)
King Arthur's World (Super NES)
King's Quest V (Sega CD, never released)
Knight Quest (Game Boy)
Musya (Super NES)
Pirates Gold! (Genesis)
Prince of Persia (Game Gear)
The Secret of Monkey Island (Sega CD)
SpellCraft (Super NES, never released)
Sword of Hope II (Game Boy)
Ultima: The False Profit (Super NES)
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny (NES)
Wolf Child (Genesis, Sega CD)
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (NES)
Special Feature: Fantasy Gaming
Interview with Gary Gygax
Nintendo Pro Reviews:
Dragon Warrior IV
Power Blade 2
Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge
Nintendo Preview:
Mega Man V
Sega CD Feature
Genesis Previews:
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Genesis Pro Reviews:
Side Pocket
Super NES Pro Reviews:
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally
Super Star Wars
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
Skuljagger: the Revolt of the Westicans
Soul Blazer
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Super Buster Brothers
Super NES Preview:
The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Strategy Guide #3 of 4
Special Feature: SNES CD Report
Turbografx CD Pro Review:
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Turbografx CD Preview:
Turbografx-16 Pro Reviews:
Air Zonk
Order of the Griffon
Overseas Prospects:
Lunar: The Silver Star (Mega CD)
Exile (PC Engine Super CD)
Aisle Lord (Mega CD)
Dragon Quest V (Super Famicom)
Final Fantasy V (Super Famicom)
Elnerd (Super Famicom, released in NA as The 7th Saga)
Phantasy Star IV (Mega Drive/Mega CD)
Shining Force (Mega Drive)
Land Stalker (Mega Drive)
Ys IV (PC Engine Super CD)
The Sports Page:
NHLPA Hockey '93 (Genesis)
GOAL! (Super NES)
Super Soccer (Super NES)
Super Soccer Champ (Super NES)
World Trophy Soccer (Genesis)
Neo Geo Pro Review:
World Heroes
Game Boy Pro Reviews:
The Jetsons
Rocky & Bullwinkle
Game Gear Pro Review:
Batman Returns
Lynx Pro Review:
Pinball Jam
Short Proshots:
Tecmo NBA Basketball (NES)
Rollerblade Racer (NES)
WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (Genesis)
Blaze On (Super NES, released in NA as BlaZeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge)
Imperium (Super NES)
Test Drive II (Super NES)
Metal Jack (Super NES)
The Irem Skins Game (Super NES)
Chuck Rock (Super NES)
Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in World of Illusion (Genesis)
Andre Agassi Tennis (Genesis)
Batman Returns (Genesis)
Aquatic Games (Genesis)
NFL Sports Talk '93 starring Joe Montana (Genesis)
Forgotten Worlds (TurboDuo)
Dead Moon (TurboDuo)
Chase HQ (TurboDuo)
Best of the Best (Game Boy)
Wave Race (Game Boy)
Shinobi II" The Silent Fury (Game Gear)
Dirty Larry, Renegade Cop (Lynx)
Rolling Thunder (Lynx)
S.W.A.T Pro:
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (NES)
Task Force Harrier (Genesis)
Top Gear (Super NES)
It Came from the Desert (Turbografx-16)
Turrican (Game Boy)
Daedalian Opus (Game Boy)
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Super NES)
Game Busters:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super NES)
Phantasy Star III (Genesis)
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