ISSUE: 48Content
The Mail
Cutting Edge: TV - Video Games Come to Cable, Crystal Dynamics Games: 3DO Gets Real
Hot at the Arcades: Driver's Eyes Formula 1 Simulator, Lucky and Wild
Super NES Pro Reviews:
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Final Fight 2
Alien 3
Dungeon Master
Tuff Enuff
Brawl Brothers
Clay Fighter
Genesis Pro Strategy Guide: Ecco the Dolphin
Cover Feature: Jurassic Park
Special Feature: Mortal Kombat
Genesis Pro Reviews:
Splatterhouse 3
Jungle Strike
Genesis Previews:
Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns
Rocket Knight Adventures
Sega CD Pro Reviews:
Rise of the Dragon
Final Fight CD
Time Gal
Super Star Wars Strategy Guide #2
Nintendo Pro Review:
Mighty Final Fight
Neo Geo Preview:
World Heroes 2
Turbografx-16 Pro Review:
Bonk 3
TurboDuo Pro Review:
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective 2
Street Fighter II: The Next Round
The Sports Page:
Jimmy Connors Tennis (NES)
Davis Cup World Tour (Super NES)
Summer Challenge (Genesis)
NBA Jam (Arcade)
Interview with Shaquille O'Neil
Game Boy Pro Review:
Avenging Spirit
Game Gear Pro Review:
Streets of Rage
GamePro Lab Report: SN Program Pad (Super NES), Fighter Power Stick (Genesis), Sega 6-button Arcade Pad (Genesis), Cool Screens (Game Boy), Car Power Adaptor (Game Boy, Game Gear, Lynx, Turbo Express)
Short Proshots:
The Adventures of B.O.B (Genesis)
Bart's Nightmare(Genesis)
Spider-man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (Genesis)
Technoclash (Genesis)
Zombies Ate my Neighbors (Genesis)
Brett Hull Hockey (Genesis)
Haunting Starring Polterguy (Genesis)
Joe and Mac (Genesis)
Super 2020 Baseball (Genesis)
Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)
NFL Football (Super NES)
Spellcraft (Super NES, never released)
Top Gear 2 (Super NES)
Wizard of Oz (Super NES)
Super Empire Strikes Back (Super NES)
Art of Fighting (Super NES)
Cacoma Knight in Bizyland (Super NES)
F1 Roc II (Super NES)
World Heroes (Super NES)
Raging Fighter (Game Boy)
Chip 'n' Dale: The Rescue Rangers II (NES)
Mega Man VI (NES)
Tom & Jerry (Game Gear)
S.W.A.T Pro:
Prince of Persia (Game Boy)
Batman: Revenge of The Joker (NES)
Streets of Rage (Genesis)
Lotus Turbo Challenge (Genesis)
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose (NES)
Road Rash 2 (Genesis)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Game Gear)
Road Avenger (Sega CD)
Super Mario Land 2 (Game Boy)
Shape Shifter (TurboDuo)
Cal Ripken Baseball (Super NES)
Marky Mark: Make your Own Music Video (Sega CD)
Kriss Kross: Make your Own Music Video (Sega CD)
Power Moves (Super NES)
Shockman (TurboDuo)
Pigskin Footbrawl (Genesis)
PGA Tour Golf (Genesis)
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