ISSUE: 91Content
The Mail
Buyer's Beware
GamePro Online: The Best of GamePro Online
The Cutting Edge: What? Another Black Box?
GamePro Labs: Analog Joystick (PlayStation), Mission Stick (Saturn)
Special Feature: Nintendo 64 is Coming!
Cover Feature: Creating Evil Incarnate, The Making of Resident Evil
Overseas Prospects: Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (PlayStation), Kirby Super Delux (Super Famicom), Bahamut Lagoon (Super Famicom), Guardian (Saturn), Lone Soldier (PlayStation)
Short ProShots:
The State of the 16-bit World
X-Perts (Genesis)
Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation)
Super Mario RPG (Super NES)
Magic Carpet (PlayStation, Saturn)
Congo the Movie: The Lost City of Zinj (Saturn)
Mortal Kombat II (PlayStation)
Casper (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO)
Chronicles of the Sword (PlayStation, PC CD)
City of the Lost Children (PlayStation, PC CD)
Deadly Skies (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, PC CD. PlayStation version was Japan only release, all other versions never released)
Floating Runner (PlayStation)
Maximum Surge (Saturn, PC CD, never released)
Mohawk (Super NES, released as Mohawk and Headphone Jack)
Phoenix 3 (3DO)
Sentient (PlayStation, PC CD)
Snowjob (3DO)
Syndicate Wars (PlayStation, PC CD)
The Need for Speed (PlayStation)
Top Gun: Fire At Will (PlayStation)
PC GamePro:
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Covert Operations
EarthSiege 2
NBA Live'96
NCAA Championship Basketball
Greg Norman Ultimate Challenge Golf
Hot at The Arcades: Time Crisis, move list for Killer Instinct 2
PlayStation Pro Reviews:
Resident Evil
Return Fire
The Hive
Assault Rigs
Road Rash
Revolution X
Saturn Pro Reviews:
Street Fighter Alpha
Clockwork Knight 2
Mortal Kombat II
Skeleton Warriors
Darius Gaiden
The Horde
Defcon 5
Revolution X
3DO Pro Reviews:
Star Fighter
Johnny Bazookatone
Iron Angel of the Apocalypse: The Return
Neo Geo Pro Review:
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Jaguar Pro Reviews:
Defender 2000
Atari Carts
Primal Rage (Jaguar CD)
Myst (Jaguar CD)
Virtual Boy Pro Reviews:
Virtual Golf
Vertical Force
Game Boy Pro Reviews:
FIFA '96
Frank Thomas "Big Hurt" Baseball
Madden '96
Game Gear Pro Reviews:
Frank Thomas "Big Hurt" Baseball
Madden '96
Quick Hits:
In The Hunt (PlayStation)
Hi-Octane (Saturn)
Supercross 3D (Jaguar)
Space Griffin (PlayStation)
A Train (PlayStation)
X-Com (PlayStation)
BattleSport (3DO)
Spider-Man: Web of Fire (32X)
Puzzle De Pon (Neo Geo)
Geom Cube (PlayStation)
Sim City 2000 (Saturn)
Baldies (Jaguar CD)
Frantic Flea (Super NES)
Zoop (Jaguar)
The Sports Page:
FIFA Soccer '96 (Saturn)
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (Saturn)
Hang On GP (Saturn)
PGA Tour '96 (Super NES)
Fever Pitch Soccer (Jaguar)
World Cup Golf (Saturn)
College Slam (Genesis, Super NES)
Sports Insider Previews: Slam 'N Jam '96 Featuring Magic & Kareem (PlayStation, Saturn), NBA Shoot Out (PlayStation), NHL Powerplay '96 (PlayStation, Saturn, PC CD), VR Soccer '96 (PlayStation, Saturn, PC CD), The Show (PlayStation, Saturn, PC CD), Hardball 5 (PlayStation, PC CD), Bottom of the 9th (PlayStation), Dream Team '96 (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, PC CD)
Role Player's Realm:
DeathKeep (3DO)
King's Field 2 (PlayStation)
Lucienne's Quest (3DO)
Future Fantasies: Iron Storm, Kingdom II: Shadoan, Shining Wisdom (Saturn)
Breath of Fire (Super NES) ProStrategy Guide
Reload for More Loaded: Loaded (PlayStation) ProStrategy Guide
The Fighter's Edge: Tournament winning Combos and Strategies for Soul Edge (Arcade)
SWAT Bonus Section:
Arcade Super Cheats: Open Ice 2 on 2 Challenge
S.W.A.T Pro:
Loaded (PlayStation)
Vectorman (Genesis)
Earthworm Jim 2 (Genesis, Super NES)
Solar Eclipse (Saturn)
Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side (Sega CD)
Spawn (Super NES)
Sega Rally Championship (Saturn)
Warhawk (PlayStation)
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest (Super NES)
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (Super NES)
Doom (PlayStation)
Blackthorne (32X)
Rayman (Jaguar)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Jaguar)
Toy Story (Genesis)
Killer Instinct (Game Boy)
The Adventures of Batman And Robin (Sega CD)
Samurai Shodown III (Arcade)
Vectorman (Genesis)
The Mail
Buyer's Beware
GamePro Online: The Best of GamePro Online
The Cutting Edge: What? Another Black Box?
GamePro Labs: Analog Joystick (PlayStation), Mission Stick (Saturn)
Special Feature: Nintendo 64 is Coming!
Cover Feature: Creating Evil Incarnate, The Making of Resident Evil
Overseas Prospects: Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (PlayStation), Kirby Super Delux (Super Famicom), Bahamut Lagoon (Super Famicom), Guardian (Saturn), Lone Soldier (PlayStation)
Short ProShots:
The State of the 16-bit World
X-Perts (Genesis)
Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation)
Super Mario RPG (Super NES)
Magic Carpet (PlayStation, Saturn)
Congo the Movie: The Lost City of Zinj (Saturn)
Mortal Kombat II (PlayStation)
Casper (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO)
Chronicles of the Sword (PlayStation, PC CD)
City of the Lost Children (PlayStation, PC CD)
Deadly Skies (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, PC CD. PlayStation version was Japan only release, all other versions never released)
Floating Runner (PlayStation)
Maximum Surge (Saturn, PC CD, never released)
Mohawk (Super NES, released as Mohawk and Headphone Jack)
Phoenix 3 (3DO)
Sentient (PlayStation, PC CD)
Snowjob (3DO)
Syndicate Wars (PlayStation, PC CD)
The Need for Speed (PlayStation)
Top Gun: Fire At Will (PlayStation)
PC GamePro:
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Covert Operations
EarthSiege 2
NBA Live'96
NCAA Championship Basketball
Greg Norman Ultimate Challenge Golf
Hot at The Arcades: Time Crisis, move list for Killer Instinct 2
PlayStation Pro Reviews:
Resident Evil
Return Fire
The Hive
Assault Rigs
Road Rash
Revolution X
Saturn Pro Reviews:
Street Fighter Alpha
Clockwork Knight 2
Mortal Kombat II
Skeleton Warriors
Darius Gaiden
The Horde
Defcon 5
Revolution X
3DO Pro Reviews:
Star Fighter
Johnny Bazookatone
Iron Angel of the Apocalypse: The Return
Neo Geo Pro Review:
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Jaguar Pro Reviews:
Defender 2000
Atari Carts
Primal Rage (Jaguar CD)
Myst (Jaguar CD)
Virtual Boy Pro Reviews:
Virtual Golf
Vertical Force
Game Boy Pro Reviews:
FIFA '96
Frank Thomas "Big Hurt" Baseball
Madden '96
Game Gear Pro Reviews:
Frank Thomas "Big Hurt" Baseball
Madden '96
Quick Hits:
In The Hunt (PlayStation)
Hi-Octane (Saturn)
Supercross 3D (Jaguar)
Space Griffin (PlayStation)
A Train (PlayStation)
X-Com (PlayStation)
BattleSport (3DO)
Spider-Man: Web of Fire (32X)
Puzzle De Pon (Neo Geo)
Geom Cube (PlayStation)
Sim City 2000 (Saturn)
Baldies (Jaguar CD)
Frantic Flea (Super NES)
Zoop (Jaguar)
The Sports Page:
FIFA Soccer '96 (Saturn)
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (Saturn)
Hang On GP (Saturn)
PGA Tour '96 (Super NES)
Fever Pitch Soccer (Jaguar)
World Cup Golf (Saturn)
College Slam (Genesis, Super NES)
Sports Insider Previews: Slam 'N Jam '96 Featuring Magic & Kareem (PlayStation, Saturn), NBA Shoot Out (PlayStation), NHL Powerplay '96 (PlayStation, Saturn, PC CD), VR Soccer '96 (PlayStation, Saturn, PC CD), The Show (PlayStation, Saturn, PC CD), Hardball 5 (PlayStation, PC CD), Bottom of the 9th (PlayStation), Dream Team '96 (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, PC CD)
Role Player's Realm:
DeathKeep (3DO)
King's Field 2 (PlayStation)
Lucienne's Quest (3DO)
Future Fantasies: Iron Storm, Kingdom II: Shadoan, Shining Wisdom (Saturn)
Breath of Fire (Super NES) ProStrategy Guide
Reload for More Loaded: Loaded (PlayStation) ProStrategy Guide
The Fighter's Edge: Tournament winning Combos and Strategies for Soul Edge (Arcade)
SWAT Bonus Section:
Arcade Super Cheats: Open Ice 2 on 2 Challenge
S.W.A.T Pro:
Loaded (PlayStation)
Vectorman (Genesis)
Earthworm Jim 2 (Genesis, Super NES)
Solar Eclipse (Saturn)
Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side (Sega CD)
Spawn (Super NES)
Sega Rally Championship (Saturn)
Warhawk (PlayStation)
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest (Super NES)
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (Super NES)
Doom (PlayStation)
Blackthorne (32X)
Rayman (Jaguar)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Jaguar)
Toy Story (Genesis)
Killer Instinct (Game Boy)
The Adventures of Batman And Robin (Sega CD)
Samurai Shodown III (Arcade)
Vectorman (Genesis)
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