ISSUE: 2Content
- Sony Playstation
- Sega Saturn
- Nintendo 64
- 3DO
- PC
- Windows 95
- arcade
Bringing Games to the Masses (editorial)
Communications (letters column)
- High-end gaming hits the Mainstream
- Sony Plays with Fire
- Bye, Bye L.A.
- Nintendo hosts Super Mario RPG Camp
- Sega of Japan Announces Investment in America and Europe
- Square Changes Incentives
- Atari Laid Bare
- Acclaim Invests in Nichimen Graphics Inc.
- Sony: It's a Raid!
- IG Shorts
- Hot Top Ten...
IG Advocacy - You want a rant? Well, here's a rant...
IG Overheard
- M2 Software
Features - E3
- The New Console War
- Nintendo (Super Mario 64, Cruis'n USA, Shadows of the Empire, Wave Race 64, Mission: Impossible, PilotWings 64, KI64, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Blast Corps), no show: TetrisPhear
- Sega (Nights, Three Dirty Dwarves, Sonic X-Treme, Bug Too!, Tomb Raider, Wild Nine, Heart of Darkness, MDK, VF Kids, Virtua Cop 2, NetLink, Dark Savior)
- PlayStation (New $199 price, Twisted Metal 2: World Tour, Burning Road, Tekken 2, Net Yaroze, Wipeout XL, Formula One, Jumping Flash! 2, Broken Helix, Tobal No 1, Crash Bandicoot, Spider, Monster Truck Rally, Tenka, Destruction Derby 2, Contra: Legacy of War)
- PC (LucasArts, Origin, Westwood Studios, Interplay, Sir-Tech, EA, Microsoft, Accolade, Blizzard, Sierra, Mindscape & SSI, Microprose, Bethesda, New World Computing)
- M2
Japan Today
- Akihabara: The Electric Town
New Releases
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC)
- Hyper Blade (PC)
- Dungeon Keeper (PC)
- The Legend of Oasis (Saturn)
- Dragon Force (Saturn)
- Steel Harbinger (PSX)
- Wave Shark (Arcade)
- Winding Heat (Arcade)
- Crash Bandicoot (PSX)
- Star Gladiator (PSX)
- International Track and Field (PSX)
- Total Mayhem (PC)
- Space Hulk (PC)
- Jumping Flash! 2 (PSX)
- Victory Goal '96 (Saturn)
- Galaxian 3 (PSX)
- Guardian Heroes (Saturn)
- ChoroQ (PSX)
- Hyper 3-D Pinball (Saturn)
- Irem Arcade Classics (PSX, Saturn)
- Mega Man X3 (Saturn)
- The Final Round (PSX)
- The Raven Project (PSX)
Capsule Reviews
- Triple Play 97 (PSX)
- F1 Challenge (Saturn)
- Double Dragon (PSX)
- Killing Zone (PSX)
Buzzword - Classic Gaming
Online - Game Developers on the Web
Gaming in Perspective - The Medium is the Message
Endnotes - E3 After Hours
- 1
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