ISSUE: 6Content
Systems Coverage
- Sega Genesis (along with many Mega Drive previews)
- Sega CD (primarily in the form of Mega CD hardware and software previews)
- Sega Game Gear
- Sega Master System
Press Start - $370...Too Much for the Mega-CD-Rom?? (editorial)
Mega Mail (letters column)
Mega Tricks!! The Ultimate in Sega Secrets!!
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Gen)
- Might and Magic (Gen)
Coming Attractions (all Genesis/Mega Drive previews except where noted)
- Shadow of the Beast
- Super Fantasy Zone
- GG Arrest (GG)
- Exile
- Airu Road-CD (Mega CD)
- Caliber Fifty
- Warsong
- Swamp Thing
- Joe Montana Football (GG)
- Halley Wars (GG)
- Putt N Putter (GG)
- Corporation
- Vapor Trail
- Pacmania
- Fatal Rewind
- Quad Challenge
- Thunder Fox
- Valis Syd
- Paperboy
- Roadblasters
- Star Odyssey
- RBI 3
- Wanderers from Y's
- Steel Empire
- Task Force Harrier
- Alisia Dragoon
- Rampart
Genesis Does... ('Mega Files'; game overviews)
- Golden Axe II
- Pit Fighter
- Road Rash
- Toejam & Earl
- Outrun
- Sonic the Hedgehog (SMS)
- Ninja Gaiden (GG)
Mega Reviews!! The Sega Genesis/Master System Resource (All Genesis reviews this issue)
- Toejam and Earl
- El Viento
- Road Rash
- Radien Trad
- Swamp Thing
- Decapattack
- Mercs
- Marvel Land
- Saint Sword
- Speedball 2
- Roadblasters
Game Over! - M.U.S.H.A (Gen)
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