ISSUE: 2Content
Atari Jaguar
Apple Pippin
Sega Genesis
Sega 32X
Sega Neptune (prototype coverage, never released)
Sega CD
Sega Saturn
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Sony Playstation
Philips CD-i
(The following is loosely based on this issue's table of contents, with select issue excerpts included. Magazine accurate text formatting (lower case headers, etc) purposefully retained. (Notes) and bullet lists are added for clarity.)
(A couple of new, recurring news columns begin in this issue - 'Joyriding' (online gaming news) and 'Essential Reading' (book reviews). Also, the 'corresponding' section is expanded to include a new 'dispatches' column featuring insider commentary.)
Why are Shigeru Miyamoto's games so damn good?
Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pilot Wings, F-Zero... his resume reads like a list of videogaming's greatest hits. Now the world's greatest game designer talks candidly with NEXT Generation about game design, Ultra 64 and (most jucily(sic)) his competitors... (Six page interview)
(Original news articles along with regular, recurring news features; one page each unless noted. While original news stories regularly included related sidebars, unrelated sidebars would often be used to fill space as well - these are noted.)
Apple's game machine reaches fruition
But as 'Pippin' target the 'family' market, core gamers may find themselves left out in the cold. (two pages)
PlayStation enters the home straight
NEXT Generation attends Sony's Tokyo prelaunch press show for a final Playstation briefing. (four pages)
Reality Lab: fast 3D for games developers
NEXT Generation reports on a PC tool that makes 3D graphics creation easier and speedier. (two pages)
Sega reels in Neptune for late '95 release
A combined 32X and Genesis machine "for under $200" waits in the wings...
US and UK fight over Amiga's future
The battle for control of the Amiga still has no clear winner.
Gamehouses flock to Silicon City
SGI's Japanese show proved popular with game producers.
(Recurring news features:)
The first in a regular series of gaming updates from cyberspace (online gaming news by Bernard Yee)
Datastream (sidebar; number related news/trivia)
Movers & Shakers
A monthly look at business news affecting the gaming world (misc. business news by Selby Bateman)
Word from the sharp end of games development, this month focussing(sic) on the controversial subject of 32X... (1/2 page; behind-the-scenes news by Mark James Ramshaw)
Datebook (1/2 page; calendar of events)
Essential Reading (1/2 page; book reviews:)
'Behind the Scenes at Sega: The Making of a Video Games' by Nicholas Lavroff
'Net Games' by Michael Wolff
Over the wire (1/2 page; faux future news)
The coin-op business is an excellent barometer of what's coming to the home. And here it is... (misc. arcade news by Marcus Webb)
ng hardware
Saturn: The real story behind the headlines...
As Saturn launches in Japan as the same time as Sony's Playstation, Sega's future hangs in the balance. NEXT Generation takes a look under the hood of Sega's new 32bit system, and tells the story of Saturn's turbulent passage from initial design to hard plastic. (eight pages)
retro gaming
Revival of the Fittest
Old games are back. Retrogaming is in. As more game designers raid the back catalogs for inspiration, NEXT Generation discovers there's more to this trend than simple nostalgia. (four pages)
ng online
Gaming on the information superhighway (aka Joyriding)
Games will always ride in the coattails of more serious applications, and the information superhighway will prove itself to be no exception. NEXT Generation profiles six pioneers of networked gaming, each engaged in the business of linking people together. (10 pages; a look at existing and planned online services: XBand, The Sega Channel, Nintendo Gateway, Imagination Network, Internet, 3DO: Us West)
ng software
Alphas (game previews; two pages each unless noted:)
(Next Generation's game previews often varied in scope and size. Smaller previews were usually traditional in presentation, while larger previews often incorporated developer commentary. The largest previews were typically presented as a themed article (focusing on a development studio, accessory, etc) previewing one or more titles and were often accompanied by an interview (noted).)
Cybersled (PS)
Ultimate Parodius (PS; one page)
Clockwork Knight (Sat; three pages)
Bioforge (PC)
Absolute Zero (PC; 1.5 pages)
Road Rash 3 (Gen/SegaCD; 1.33 pages)
Starblade Alpha (PS)
Raiden (PS)
Tekken (PS; one page)
Alone in the Dark 3 (PC)
Super Street Fighter II X (3DO)
Victory Goal (Sat; one page)
(While all video game magazines make the occasional slip, NEXT Generation's game review section was especially notorious and/or exceptional for reviewing games never formally released in North America, or were instead eventually released under a different title. In some cases an import title would be reviewed with the domestic release also reviewed in a later issue. Japanese import reviews are noted when known. Reviews were usually 1/8th to 1/4th page in length, though this varied wildly and length was never pre-determined - one page reviews would see print on rare occasions. Higher rated and/or spotlighted games would usually receive more page real estate than lower rated.)
Burning Soldier
Doctor Hauzer (Japan)
Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold
Real Pinball
Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed
Guardian War
SHADOW: War of Succession
Shock Wave: Operation Jump Gate
Tetsujin (Iron Man) (Japan)
True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club
Ultraman (Japan)
VR Stalker
Checkered Flag
Iron Soldier
Club Drive
Cosmic Carnage
Super Afterburner
Super Space Harrier
Alien Gate
Dragon's Lair
Armored Fist
Ishar 3
Lost Eden
Metaltech: Earthsiege
Magic Carpet
System Shock
Wing Commander: Armada
Under a Killing Moon
Zork Anthology
Sega CD
ESPN National Hockey Night
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Popful Mail
Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side
Sea Quest
Beavis & Butt-head
Death and Return of Superman
Ecco: Tides Of Time
The Great Circus Mystery
NFL '95
Red Zone
Biker Mice from Mars
Demon's Crest
Super Bomberman 2
Mega Man X2
Super Punch-Out!!
Wolverine: Admantium Rage
Rise of the Robots
Dark Stalkers
Opinion, talk, debate and unashamed creeping. (reader mail; one page)
Letters from the desks on the front line. (industry insider commentary - this issue, David Perry of Shiny Entertainment; one page)
- Atari Jaguar
- Apple Pippin
- Sega Genesis
- Sega 32X
- Sega Neptune (prototype coverage, never released)
- Sega CD
- Sega Saturn
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- 3DO
- PC
- Sony Playstation
- Philips CD-i
- arcade
(The following is loosely based on this issue's table of contents, with select issue excerpts included. Magazine accurate text formatting (lower case headers, etc) purposefully retained. (Notes) and bullet lists are added for clarity.)
(A couple of new, recurring news columns begin in this issue - 'Joyriding' (online gaming news) and 'Essential Reading' (book reviews). Also, the 'corresponding' section is expanded to include a new 'dispatches' column featuring insider commentary.)
Why are Shigeru Miyamoto's games so damn good?
Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pilot Wings, F-Zero... his resume reads like a list of videogaming's greatest hits. Now the world's greatest game designer talks candidly with NEXT Generation about game design, Ultra 64 and (most jucily(sic)) his competitors... (Six page interview)
(Original news articles along with regular, recurring news features; one page each unless noted. While original news stories regularly included related sidebars, unrelated sidebars would often be used to fill space as well - these are noted.)
Apple's game machine reaches fruition
But as 'Pippin' target the 'family' market, core gamers may find themselves left out in the cold. (two pages)
PlayStation enters the home straight
NEXT Generation attends Sony's Tokyo prelaunch press show for a final Playstation briefing. (four pages)
Reality Lab: fast 3D for games developers
NEXT Generation reports on a PC tool that makes 3D graphics creation easier and speedier. (two pages)
Sega reels in Neptune for late '95 release
A combined 32X and Genesis machine "for under $200" waits in the wings...
US and UK fight over Amiga's future
The battle for control of the Amiga still has no clear winner.
Gamehouses flock to Silicon City
SGI's Japanese show proved popular with game producers.
(Recurring news features:)
The first in a regular series of gaming updates from cyberspace (online gaming news by Bernard Yee)
Datastream (sidebar; number related news/trivia)
Movers & Shakers
A monthly look at business news affecting the gaming world (misc. business news by Selby Bateman)
Word from the sharp end of games development, this month focussing(sic) on the controversial subject of 32X... (1/2 page; behind-the-scenes news by Mark James Ramshaw)
Datebook (1/2 page; calendar of events)
Essential Reading (1/2 page; book reviews:)
- 'Behind the Scenes at Sega: The Making of a Video Games' by Nicholas Lavroff
- 'Net Games' by Michael Wolff
Over the wire (1/2 page; faux future news)
The coin-op business is an excellent barometer of what's coming to the home. And here it is... (misc. arcade news by Marcus Webb)
ng hardware
Saturn: The real story behind the headlines...
As Saturn launches in Japan as the same time as Sony's Playstation, Sega's future hangs in the balance. NEXT Generation takes a look under the hood of Sega's new 32bit system, and tells the story of Saturn's turbulent passage from initial design to hard plastic. (eight pages)
retro gaming
Revival of the Fittest
Old games are back. Retrogaming is in. As more game designers raid the back catalogs for inspiration, NEXT Generation discovers there's more to this trend than simple nostalgia. (four pages)
ng online
Gaming on the information superhighway (aka Joyriding)
Games will always ride in the coattails of more serious applications, and the information superhighway will prove itself to be no exception. NEXT Generation profiles six pioneers of networked gaming, each engaged in the business of linking people together. (10 pages; a look at existing and planned online services: XBand, The Sega Channel, Nintendo Gateway, Imagination Network, Internet, 3DO: Us West)
ng software
Alphas (game previews; two pages each unless noted:)
(Next Generation's game previews often varied in scope and size. Smaller previews were usually traditional in presentation, while larger previews often incorporated developer commentary. The largest previews were typically presented as a themed article (focusing on a development studio, accessory, etc) previewing one or more titles and were often accompanied by an interview (noted).)
- Cybersled (PS)
- Ultimate Parodius (PS; one page)
- Clockwork Knight (Sat; three pages)
- Bioforge (PC)
- Absolute Zero (PC; 1.5 pages)
- Road Rash 3 (Gen/SegaCD; 1.33 pages)
- Starblade Alpha (PS)
- Raiden (PS)
- Tekken (PS; one page)
- Alone in the Dark 3 (PC)
- Super Street Fighter II X (3DO)
- Victory Goal (Sat; one page)
(While all video game magazines make the occasional slip, NEXT Generation's game review section was especially notorious and/or exceptional for reviewing games never formally released in North America, or were instead eventually released under a different title. In some cases an import title would be reviewed with the domestic release also reviewed in a later issue. Japanese import reviews are noted when known. Reviews were usually 1/8th to 1/4th page in length, though this varied wildly and length was never pre-determined - one page reviews would see print on rare occasions. Higher rated and/or spotlighted games would usually receive more page real estate than lower rated.)
- Burning Soldier
- Doctor Hauzer (Japan)
- Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold
- Microcosm
- Real Pinball
- Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed
- Guardian War
- SHADOW: War of Succession
- Shock Wave: Operation Jump Gate
- Tetsujin (Iron Man) (Japan)
- True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club
- Ultraman (Japan)
- VR Stalker
- Checkered Flag
- Dragon
- Iron Soldier
- Club Drive
- Cosmic Carnage
- Super Afterburner
- Super Space Harrier
- Alien Gate
- Kether
- Dragon's Lair
- Inca
- Armored Fist
- Ishar 3
- Lost Eden
- Metaltech: Earthsiege
- Magic Carpet
- System Shock
- Wing Commander: Armada
- Under a Killing Moon
- Zork Anthology
Sega CD
- ESPN National Hockey Night
- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
- NBA Jam
- Panic
- Popful Mail
- Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side
- Animaniacs
- Sea Quest
- Beavis & Butt-head
- Death and Return of Superman
- Ecco: Tides Of Time
- The Great Circus Mystery
- NFL '95
- Red Zone
- Syndicate
- Biker Mice from Mars
- Demon's Crest
- Super Bomberman 2
- Mega Man X2
- Super Punch-Out!!
- Wildsnake
- Wolverine: Admantium Rage
- WWF Raw
- Rise of the Robots
- Cops
- Dark Stalkers
- T-Mek
Opinion, talk, debate and unashamed creeping. (reader mail; one page)
Letters from the desks on the front line. (industry insider commentary - this issue, David Perry of Shiny Entertainment; one page)
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