ISSUE: 263Content
Cover Feature:
Four-Sport Hero
It's not just sports-it's sports done the Mario way! Mario Sports Mix bring basketball, hockey, volleyball, and dodgeball to Wii like you've never seen before. Go Team Mustache!
A Tale of Two Genres
Adventure-meets-virtual-pet game Monster Tale is set to be one of the must-play DS titles of 2011. Dig into loads of new info and an in-depth interview.
Resolution Revolution
What resolutions might video game characters make to usher in the new year? Here are our guesses.
History in the Remaking
Radiant Historia-the next bid DS RPG-lets you alter the flow of time itself. Get all the juicy details here!
Nintendo Power Awards 2010 Nominations
It's time once again to recognize the best that video gaming has to offer. Check out the nominees, then get online and vote!
The Nintendo Power word for the inbox.
The latest news in Nintendo.
Reviews and some previews of downloadable games.
Proper previews of actual, solid games.
Power Profiles
An interview with an important games developer.
Featuring a retro game.
Of modern games.
The latest in art and cosplay of the Nintendo fan.
Next Month
Short preview of the next issue.
- ATV Wild Ride
- Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
- Conduit 2
- de Blob 2 (Wii, DS)
- Okamiden
- Epic Mickey
- Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
- Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
- Lost in Shadow
- Super Mario All-Stars
- TRON: Evolution
- TRON: Evolution - Battle Grids
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