ISSUE: 270Content
Cover Feature:
Nintendo's Next Wave
Star Fox 64 3D! Kid Icarus: Uprising! Super Mario! Mario Kart! Luigi's Mansion 2! These games all look mind-blowingly awesome and they're all on the way to the Nintendo 3DS Handheld.
Still Super After All the Years
It's been 20 years since the release of the Super NES, and we're celebrating in style with a look at the games and moments that defined the system.
A Cut Above
Say hello to Jiro Musashi, master ninja. His game-Shinobi for the Nintendo 3DS-is poised to be a lot better than your usual retro revival. And if you don't believe it, he'll karate chop you in the kidney.
The Nintendo Power word for the inbox.
Power Up
The latest news in Nintendo.
Reviews and some previews of downloadable games.
Proper previews of actual, solid games.
Power Profiles
An interview with an important games developer.
Featuring a retro game.
Of modern games.
The latest in art and cosplay of the Nintendo fan.
Next Month
Short preview of the next issue.
Bit.Trip Saga
Centipede: Infestation
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns 3D
Kirby Mass Attack
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Madden NFL 11
Metal Gear Solid 2: Snake Eater 3D
Resident Evil: Revelations
Spider-Man: The Edge of Time
Captain America: Super Soldier (DS)
Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
Dual Pen Sports
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (Wii, DS, N3DS)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon--Autobots/Decepticons
Transformers: Dark of the Moon--Stealh Force Edition (Wii, N3DS)
Cover Feature:
Nintendo's Next Wave
Star Fox 64 3D! Kid Icarus: Uprising! Super Mario! Mario Kart! Luigi's Mansion 2! These games all look mind-blowingly awesome and they're all on the way to the Nintendo 3DS Handheld.
Still Super After All the Years
It's been 20 years since the release of the Super NES, and we're celebrating in style with a look at the games and moments that defined the system.
A Cut Above
Say hello to Jiro Musashi, master ninja. His game-Shinobi for the Nintendo 3DS-is poised to be a lot better than your usual retro revival. And if you don't believe it, he'll karate chop you in the kidney.
The Nintendo Power word for the inbox.
Power Up
The latest news in Nintendo.
Reviews and some previews of downloadable games.
Proper previews of actual, solid games.
Power Profiles
An interview with an important games developer.
Featuring a retro game.
Of modern games.
The latest in art and cosplay of the Nintendo fan.
Next Month
Short preview of the next issue.
- Bit.Trip Saga
- Centipede: Infestation
- Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights
- Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
- Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns 3D
- Kirby Mass Attack
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Madden NFL 11
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Snake Eater 3D
- Resident Evil: Revelations
- Spider-Man: The Edge of Time
- Captain America: Super Soldier (DS)
- Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii)
- Dual Pen Sports
- Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (Wii, DS, N3DS)
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon--Autobots/Decepticons
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon--Stealh Force Edition (Wii, N3DS)
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