ISSUE: 57Content
Systems Covered
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Game Boy
- Super Nintendo
Game Reviews (Strategies)
- Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage
- Young Merlin
- SkyBlazer
- Inspector Gadget
- The Sports Scene
- Lester the Unlikely
- Choplifter III
- Spider-Man & the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
- The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstock
- Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II
Special Features
- Gateway System
- Super Mario All-Star Team
- Metroid
Classified Information
- Alien3
- Super Baseball 2020
- Run Saber
- Super Turrican
- SimCity
- F1 Roc II Race of Champions
- Metal Combat Falcon's Revenge
- Alien vs. Predator
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- Battletoads & Double Dragon
Now Playing
- Choplifter III
- Relief Pitcher
- Young Merlin
- Championship Pool
- Ranma 1/2
- Side Pocket
- Barbie Super Mode
- Mario's Time Machine
- Pro Sport Hockey
- Riddick Bowe Boxing
- Robocop vs. the Terminator
- Super Chase HQ
- Winter Extreme Skiiing & Snowboarding
- Lester the Unlikely
- Dennis the Menace
- Alfred Chicken (SNES)
- Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage
- Brett Hull Hockey
- Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball
- Winter Olympic Games
- Zool: Ninja of the 'NTH' Dimension
- Art of Fighting
- Alfred Chicken (NES)
- Spider-Man & the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
- Aliens vs. the Predator (GB)
- The Real Ghostbusters
- The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk
Counselor's Corner
- Dungeon Master
- Secret of Mana
- The 7th Saga
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
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