ISSUE: 75Content
Systems Covered:
- Super Nintendo
- Gameboy
- Virtual Boy
Full Coverage
- Mario's Tennis (VB)
- Galactic Pinball (VB)
- Teleroboxer (VB)
- Mario Clash (VB)
- Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2
- Street Fighter II (GB)
- Phantom 2040
- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
- Judge Dredd (GB)
- Asteroids/Missile Command (GB)
- Centipede/Millipede (GB)
- Earthworm Jim (GB)
Classified Information
- True Lies
- Mega Man X2
- SeaQuest DSV
- Yogi Bear
- WWF Raw
- Kirby's Dream Course
- Super Return of the Jedi
- Ogre Battle
- Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Epic Center
- Chrono Trigger
- Secret of the Stars
Counselors' Corner
- Brainlord
- Spider-Man
- Ogre Battle
- Zelda IV: Link's Awakening (GB)
- Lethal Enforcer
- Aladdin
- Ultima: Runes of Virtue (GB)
Now Playing
- Asteroids/Missile Command (GB)
- Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus
- Centipede/Millipede (GB)
- Chrono Trigger
- Earthworm Jim (GB)
- Galactic Pinball (VB)
- Judge Dredd (GB)
- Mario Clash (VB)
- Mario's Tennis (VB)
- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
- Phantom 2040
- Secret of the Stars
- Street Fighter II (GB)
- Teleroboxer (VB)
- Games linking to this issue: Chrono Trigger
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