ISSUE: 10Content
EXClusive: PSExtreme sits down for a four-page chat with Capcom president Greg Ballard about the company's future, including six upcoming projects like:
- Breath of Fire 3
- Major Damage
- Mega Man 8
- Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Star Gladiator
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse
EXEcute (Cheat codes galore):
- Triple Play '97
- Skeleton Warriors
- International Track & Field
- Tekken 2
- Worms
- Fade to Black
GameShark Codes:
- College Slam
- Darkstalkers
- King's Field
- Return Fire
- Ridge Racer
- Road Rash
- Top Gun: Fire At Will
- Williams Arcade Greatest Hits
- Battle Arena Toshinden
- Motor Toon GP 2 (Import)
- Namco Museum Vol. 1
- Floating Runner
- Jumping Flash II (Import)
- Ridge Racer Evolution (Import)
- International Track & Field
- EXCavate (Review scores recapped from past issues)
- So, Dave... (Letter From the Editor): Tekken 2, Crash Bandicoot, and NFL GameDay '97 signal the emergence of the PlayStation's dominance of the era.
- EXMail (The monthly letter column)
- EXNews (Industry updates and late-breaking news)
EXPecting (Previews):
- Legacy of Kain
- Burning Road
- Andretti Racing '97
- Virtual Pro Pinball
- The Lost Vikings: Norse by Norsewest
- The King of Fighters '95
- Final Doom
- Madden NFL '97
- Pit Ball
- Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft
- Perfect Weapon
- VMX Racing
- Hardcore 4x4
- Casper
EXTreme (The spotlight review for the issue):
- Tekken 2 (98%)
EXRated (The rest of the reviews):
- Crash Bandicoot (98%)
- Gunship (78%)
- Beyond the Beyond (73%)
- Ridge Racer Revolution (92%)
- Tokyo Highway Battle (86%)
- Olympic Summer Games (68%)
- Die Hard Trilogy (93%)
- Project Overkill (85%)
- Worms (91%)
- Sim City 2000 (58%)
EXPort (Games from overseas):
- Choro-Q
- Namco Museum Vol. 3
- Cool Boarders
Ads (in order of appearance):
- NCAA Gamebreaker
- HardBall 5 (PS1/SAT/PC)
- Namco Museum Vol. 1
- Gunship
- Time Commando
- Blast Chamber
- Top Gun: Fire At Will
- Tekken 2
- Die Hard Trilogy
- Jumping Flash 2
- Bogey: Dead Six
- Burning Road
- Robo Pit
- Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's Revenge
- The Divide: Enemies Within
- PSExtreme subscription
- Crash Bandicoot pre-order CD bonus
- Bubsy 3D
Notable Stuff:
- Of the six upcoming titles from Capcom showcased in the Greg Ballard interview, only four were released. Major Damage and Werewolf: The Apocalypse were both canceled. While games in other White Wolf franchises have been released over the years, most notably from Vampire: The Masquerade and Hunter: The Reckoning, it took until 2021 for a game based on the Werewolf license to finally make it out the door.
- Time to slap the proofreader: the preview for The Lost Vikings spells the game's title as "The Lost Vikiings".
- The pre-order bonus CD for Crash Bandicoot is a treasure trove of 90's alternative music by bands like Rasputina, Primitive Radio Gods, Sponge, and Stabbing Westward. If you're interested, you can sample it here.
- PSExtreme's review metric is indicative of the way most outlets shaped readers' expectations of what constitutes a "bad" game in the 90's, providing a scale where anything that scored under 70% was considered a complete failure, to be avoided at all costs. Even a title scoring in the 70-79% range was labeled a mediocre game with significant flaws.
- This issue's EXCavate section makes me wonder what the heck their reviewers were smoking. I don't think you can argue with a 97% rating on Resident Evil in April of 1996, but do you honestly expect me to believe that Alien Trilogy is not only on par with RE based on its 97% rating from the same month, but was better than Doom which received a 93% only three months earlier?
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