ISSUE: 0Content
Systems Coverage
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Fact-Files (game overviews; two pages each)
- Super Mario World
- Pilotwings
- Actraiser
- Final Fight
- Gradius III
- Castlevania 4 (Super Castlevania IV)
- Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
- Super R-Type
Super NES Video Game Buyer's Guide (a 'magazine-in-magazine,' complete with 'cover')
An Introduction To The Super NES (hardware and games overview; intro with the following sections:)
- The Controls
- The System
- The Games
(capsule game reviews; commentary, screenshots, and review scores from four staff:)
- Actraiser
- Super Baseball Simulator
- Big Run
- Bombuzal
- Darius Twin
- Final Fight
- F-Zero
- Gradius 3 (Gradius III)
- Hole In One
- Pilot Wings (Pilotwings)
- Populous
- Super Deformer
- Sim City
- Super Mario World
- T&E Golf
- Ultraman
(capsule previews; commentary and screenshots:)
- Dimension Force
- Dream TV
- Home Alone
- Hyper Zone
- Legend of the Mystical Ninja
- Castlevania 4 (Super Castlevania IV)
- Caveman Ninja (Joe & Mac)
- Super Ghouls 'N' Ghosts
- Super Adventure Island
- Lemmings
- Paperboy 2
- Robocop 3
- The Simpsons
- Smash TV
- Space Mega Force
- Radio Flyer
- The Chessmaster
- Faceball 2000
- Shanghai
- Super R-Type
- Super Battle Tank
- Wanderers From Y's
- Formula 1
- Ultrabots
- Drakkhen
- Final Fantasy 2
- American Gladiators
- Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball
- Lakers vs. Celtics
- Nolan Ryan Baseball
- PGA Tour Golf
- Super NES Play Action Football
- WWF Superstars
- John Madden Football
(listed but not shown:)
- UN Squadron
- Ultima: The False Prophet
- Savage Empire
- Martian Dreams
- NCAA Final Four
- Astralius
- Rocketeer
- RPM Racing
- Super Bases Loaded
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
- Zelda 3 (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
- Gdleen
- Battlebull
- Nosferatu
- Captain Planet
- Hook
- Equinox
- Play Ball
- Jelly Bean
- Super Battletoads
Zelda 3: A New Legend Is Born! (two page preview; the eventual The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
SNES Previews (capsule previews; each with commentary with screenshots)
- SimEarth
- S.T.G.
- Magic Sword
- Gdleen
- Raiden Densetsu
- Super Bases Loaded
- Dungeon Master
- Earthlight
- Ganba League
- Super Pro Wrestling
- U.N. Squadron
- Dragon Quest 3
- River City Ransom 2
- Super Tennis
- Super E.D.F.
- Gundam F-91
- Nosferatu
- SD Dodgeball
- F-1
- Lagoon
- Super Formation Soccer
- Equinox
Super Nintendo Tricks of the Trade (tips and tricks)
- Super Mario World
- Final Fight
- Big Run
- Pilotwings
- Gradius 3 (Gradius III)
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