ISSUE: 27Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo Super Famicom (the eventual Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
- Sega Genesis
- Atari Lynx
- Atari ST
- Apple IIGS
- Amiga
- Macintosh
- Commodore 64
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- Arcade
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts)
Under The Hood Of The Super Famicom, Part 1 by Revo Emag
The Super Famicom represents Nintendo's leap into the "next generation" of video-game machines. In our first installment, we'll look at its inner workings and some of the software titles that are currently available in Japan.
Sega Champ Square Off In (Not-So-) Sunny Hawaii by Rusel DeMaria
Our frontline journalist reports from the Sega Genesis World Championship finals in Waikiki.
Veigues Tactical Gladiator (TG16) Strategy Guide, Part II by Donn Nauert
This month, our resident video-game expert shows us how to regain Federation territory and defeat the alien aggressors.
Games Beyond Tomorrow by Arnie Katz ('A Galaxy of Science Fiction Games')
Arnie guides us through a galaxy of software that goes "where no man has gone before."
Castlevania III (NES) Players Guide, Part I by Clayton Walnum
In this installment, Clay shows us how to whip our way through such enemies as skeletons and Medusa heads.
Winning The West With Games by Joyce Worley
The Wild West might already be conquered, but now you can become a binary Billy The Kid.
The VG&CE Second Annual Games Survey
Tell us what you think. Voice you computer- and video-game choices for the year - what you have and what you'll be getting.
Video-Game Reviews
- Totally Rad (NES)
- The Adventures of Lolo III (NES)
- Basewars (NES)
- Sword Master (NES)
- Fatal Labyrinth (Gen)
- MetalStorm (NES)
- RoboCop 2 (NES)
- Metal Mech (NES)
- Powerball (Gen)
Computer-Game Reviews
- Stratego (PC/Mac)
- Stellar 7 (Amiga/PC)
- Dragon's Lair II: Escape From Singe's Castle (Amiga)
- Imperium (Amiga/ST/PC)
- The Secret of Monkey Island (Amiga/ST/PC)
- Command HQ (PC)
- BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge (Amiga/PC)
- Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday (Amiga/C64/PC)
- Shadow of the Beast II (Amiga)
Computer-Game Strategies by Frank Tetro, Jr.
Our computer-game connoisseur helps us take a byte out of The Immortal (Amiga/Apple IIGS/ST) and Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess (Amiga/PC).
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Reader Mail
Crash & Boom (comic strip)
Tip Sheet by Donn Nauert
- Double Dragon II (NES)
- X-Men (NES)
- Blaster Master (NES)
News Bits compiled by Joyce Worley
- Commodore Unveils CDTV
- Sports Programs Show New Polygon Techniques
- Nintendo Reports 1990 Sales Results
- Nintendo to Introduce Super NES, Game Boy Peripheral
- Congress Approves Software-Protection Bills
- G.I. Joe Gets Big Send-Off
- Lynx Price Slashed
- Stuck in the Dark With Elvira?
- Game Boy to Be Work Boy
- New Pins Feature Humor, Characters
- Top Coin-Ops of December 1990
- Video Company Computerizes
- Konami/Mirrorsoft in Joint Venture
- Parents' Choice Approved Video Games
- Psygnosis Breaks Through on CD
- MLSA's Baseball, Football Soon to Be Coin-Ops
- Electronic Arts Announces Sales
- Logitech Breeds New Kind of Mouse
Easter Egg Hunt
- TV Sports: Football (TG16)
- Mega Man 3 (NES)
- Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing (Gen)
- Thunder Force III (Gen)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (GB)
- Lock 'n' Chase (GB)
Fandango - Reviews of Recent Electronic Gaming Fanzines by Arnie Katz
(cyberBeat #1; Arena, December 1990)
Destination Arcadia by Donn Nauert
- Mad Dog McCree review
- VG&CE Arcade Game Awards
Game Doctor - Answers To The Questions That Try Mens' Souls by the Game Doctor
Inside Gaming - Adults Only by Arnie Katz
(Excerpt:) This time he focuses on games for adults.
Gaming On The Go - Robo-Rampaging Mercenaries Of Shanghai by Maurice Molyneaux (portable game reviews)
- Zarlor Mercenary (Lynx)
- Robo-Squash (Lynx)
- Rampage (Lynx)
- Shanghai (Lynx)
Advertiser Index
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
For the past eight months the U.S. has been awaiting the release of the Nintendo Super Famicom. Turn to page 36 for the first installment of our sneak preview. Photography: Garry Brod, Cover Art: Alan Hunter
(Part 2 of the Super Famicom feature can be found in the June 1991 issue of VG&CE.)
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