ISSUE: 37Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Atari Lynx
- PC
- Amiga
- Macintosh
- Commodore 64
- NEC PC Engine Duo (the eventual TurboDuo)
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player
- arcade
- pinball
(This issue's TOC shuffles things around a bit, with the Gaming On The Go department flagged as an issue feature. This also occurs in several future issues.)
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts; bullet lists added)
VG&CE's Best Games of 1991 by the Editors of VG&CE
The past year has produced some of the best computer and video games ever seen. VG&CE's writers and editors have made up their minds on what was the year's best, and we would like to show you.
Phantasy Star III (Gen) Player's Guide, Part II by Clayton Walnum
This month we take up our adventures after the marriage of Rhys and Lena and find out who is responsible for the destruction of Satera. ('From World to World: A Player's Guide to Phantasy Star III Part Two')
Gaming On the Go (by Chris Bieniek; portable game reviews)
- Awesome Golf (Lynx)
- Blaster Master Boy (GB)
- Super Golf (GG)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - Back From the Sewers (GB)
- Terminator 2: Judgement Day (GB)
- Tournament Cyberball (Lynx)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (GG)
Video-Game Reviews
- The Empire Strikes Back (NES; this review is not listed in this issue's TOC) (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
- Lemmings (SNES)
- Galaxy Force II (Gen)
- Valis III (TG16CD)
- Super Earth Defense Force (SNES)
- Star Trek (NES)
- James Pond II - Codename: Robocod (Gen)
- The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES)
- The Simpsons - Bart vs. The World (NES)
- Bucky O'Hare (NES)
- Super Off-Road (SNES)
- Monster in My Pocket (NES)
- Buck Rogers (Gen)
- Smash TV (SNES)
- F-22 Interceptor (Gen)
Computer-Game Previews
- Populous II (Amiga)
- Patton Strikes Back (Mac)
- Oil Barons (PC)
- Nova 9 (PC)
- Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of DarkMoon (PC)
Computer-Game Reviews
- Big Business (Amiga/PC)
- Chip's Challenge (Amiga/C64/PC)
- Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (PC)
- Megafortress (Amiga/PC)
- Western Front (Amiga/PC)
- Amarillo Slim Dealer's Choice (PC)
- Ski-ulator (PC)
- The Lost Admiral (PC)
Computer-Game Strategies by John Schnyder
Our floppy-disk virtuoso helps you become a master builder in Castles (Amiga/PC/Mac) and shows you how to terminate a cyborg in The Terminator (PC).
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Reader Mail
Tip Sheet by Donn Nauert
- Astyanax (NES)
- Hellfire (Gen)
- Budokan (Gen; tip being, the game isn't compatible with all Gen models)
- The Immortal (NES)
News Bits compiled by Joyce Worley
- NEC Shows PC Engine Duo at Winter CES
- Sega Sues Accolade
- Sega and Razor Soft Settle
- Filter Protects Eyes From VDT Glare
- Spectrum HoloByte Joins "Virtuality" Group
- Broderbund Plans Public Offering; Extends Maxis' Agreement
- Atari Ships Deluxe Lynx, Announces Plans for '92
- Access LINKS: Windows & MPC
- Sierra Extends Customer Support Hours
- Cabinet Brings Arcade Style Home
- Carmen, Living Books make CD-ROM Debut
- Buyers Guide Packs Games With Book
- Computer Companies Offer Lotto Luck
- Captain America, Star Trek Hit Arcades
- Party Zone Uses Talking Head and Dancing Dummy
- Sound Advice for Computerists
- Tokens Get Fancy, Court Collectors
- Top Coin-Ops of October 1991
Easter Egg Hunt
- Cyberball (Gen)
- NHL Hockey (Gen)
- ToeJam & Earl (Gen)
- Sword of Sodan (Gen)
- Actraiser (SNES)
- Hellfire (Gen)
Destination Arcadia by Donn Nauert (arcade reviews)
- StarBlade
- Total Carnage
Game Doctor - Gaming's Answer To An Antacid Settles Your Software Disputes by the Game Doctor (Q&A; not listed in this issue's TOC)
Fandango - Fabulous Fanzines for Every Taste by Arnie Katz (fanzine reviews)
(2600 Connection #6, The Shape of Gaming to Come #2, MegaForce #3)
Inside Gaming - The Year That It All Happened In Electronic Gaming by Arnie Katz
(Excerpt:) This month, Arnie looks back at the year just ended and tries to put everything in proper perspective.
Advertiser Index
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
It's that time of the year again. The competition was fierce and relentless in 1991, but the vote is in. Turn to page 56 for a look at VG&CE's third annual picks of the best. Cover Photography: © 1992 Jerry Davidson
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